Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following plants shows a very close relationship with a species of moth, where none of the two can complete its life cycle without the other?

  • Hydrilla

  • Yucca

  • Viola

  • Banana



Yucca has an obligate mutualism with a species of moth i.e. pronuba. In Obligate mutualism, one organism cannot survive without other.


Stomatal movement is not affected by

  • Temperature

  • Light

  • CO2 concentration

  • O2 concentration

Which of the following elements is responsible for maintaining turgor in cells?

  • Magnesium

  • Sodium

  • Calcium

  • Potassium

Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II and select the correct option given below:

Column I Column II
Function Part of the Excretory system
a Ultrafiltration i Henle's loop
b Concentration of urine ii Ureter
c Transport of urine iii Urinary bladder
d Storage of urine iv Malpighian corpuscle 
    v Proximal convoluted tubule

  • a b c d
    iv v ii iii
  • a b c d
    iv i ii iii
  • a b c d
    v iv i iii
  • a b c d
    v iv i ii

The Golgi complex participates in

  • Fatty acid breakdown

  • Formation of secretory vesicles

  • Activation of amino acid

  • Respiration in bacteria


Oxygen is not produced during photosynthesis by

  • Green sulphur bacteria

  • Nostoc

  • Chara

  • Cycas

Which of the following is not a product of light reaction of photosynthesis?

  • ATP

  • NADH

  • Oxygen


In which of the following forms is iron absorbed by plants?

  • Ferric

  • Ferrous

  • Both ferric and ferrous

  • Free element

What is the role of NAD+ in cellular respiration?

  • It functions as an enzyme.

  • It functions as an electron carrier.

  • It is the final electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration.

  • It is a nucleotide source for ATP synthesis.


Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II and select the correct option given below

Column I Column II
a Glycosuria i Accumulation of uric acid in joints
b Gout ii Mass of crystallised salts within the kidney
c Renal calculi iii Inflammation in glomeruli
d Glomerular nephritis iv Presence of in glucose urine

  • a b c d
    iii ii iv i
  • a b c d
    i ii iii iv
  • a b c d
    iv i ii iii
  • a b c d
    ii iii i iv