Multiple Choice Questions


Mahila Police volunteer scheme to be implemented in all states of the country has been launched on pilot basis firstly in which state?

  • Delhi

  • Gujarat

  • Haryana

  • Rajasthan




What is the value of the Least Distance of Distinct vision (in cm) for a normal human being?

  • 2.5 cm

  • 25 cm

  • 58 cm

  • 60 cm

Who invented the Centigrade scale?

  • Anders Celsius

  • Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

  • William Thomson

  • Wright Brothers

Which of the following cannot be beaten into Sheets?

  • Gold

  • Silver

  • Potassium

  • Aluminium

Which among the following is/are female hormones?

i.   Estrogen
ii.  Progesterone
iii. Testosterone

  • i and iii

  • i and ii

  • ii and iii

  • only iii


For which of the following game, players must have the knowledge of Pascal's Law?

  • Climbing

  • Paragliding

  • Rafting

  • Scuba diving

What is the full form of ISDN?

  • International Service Digital Network

  • Indian Service Digital Network

  • Integrated Service Digital Network

  • Internal Service Digital Network

Minamata disease is a nervous disorder caused by eating fish, polluted with...........

  • Iron

  • Mercury

  • Lead

  • Nickel

Which among the following is used to treat Indigestion?

  • Antacid

  • Antiseptic

  • Analgesic

  • Antibiotic


Match the following.
           Trophy/Cup                               Sport
1.         Irani Trophy                              a. Football
2.         Santosh Trophy                         b.  Cricket
3.         Azian Shah Cup                         c.  Hockey

  • 1 - b,  2 - c,  3 - a

  • 1 - b,  2 - a,  3 - c

  • 1 - a,  2 - c,  3 - b

  • 1 - a,  2 - b,  3 - c