Multiple Choice Questions


During their rule the British persuaded or forced cultivators in Bengal to grow ...........

  • Jute

  • Tea

  • Sugarcane

  • Wheat




............. is the relationship between the variable input and output, keeping all other inputs are held constant.

  • Total product

  • Average product

  • Isoquant

  • The Long Run

The Mongols under ........ invaded Transoxiana in north-east Iran in 1219.

  • Timur Lang

  • Nadir Shah

  • Ahmed Shah Abdali

  • Genghis Khan

The closest example of a centrally planned economy is the ........... for the major part of the 20th Century.

  • USA

  • India

  • Soviet Union

  • Japan

Under which of the following jurisdiction can any individual, whose fundamental right has been violated, can directly move the Supreme Court for remedy?

  • Original Jurisdiction

  • Writ Jurisdiction

  • Appellate Jurisdiction

  • Advisory Jurisdiction


.............. means cases that can be directly considered by the Supreme Court without going to the lower courts before that.

  • Original Jurisdiction

  • Writ Jurisdiction

  • Appellate Jurisdiction

  • Advisory Jurisdiction

The part of the Himalayas between Tista and Dihang rivers is known as .......... Himalayas.

  • Nepal

  • Kashmir

  • Assam

  • Jammu

Other name of Platelets is

  • Leucocytes

  • Erythorocytes

  • Platelets

  • Thrombocytes

In the biosphere living beings are inter-related and interdependent on each other for survival. This life supporting system is known as the __________.

  • Ecosystem

  • Mountain Range

  • Forest

  • Atmosphere


In stems, the protoxylem lies towards the centre and the metaxylem lies towards the periphery of the organ. This type of primary xylem is called:

  • Xylem fibres

  • Xylem parenchyma

  • Exarch

  • Endarch