Multiple Choice Questions


An upper primary school constructivist classroom would foresee the following role of students in their own assessment

  • make detailed guidelines for how marks would be correlated to students' achievement and prestige in class

  • denying that assessment has a role in teaching-learning

  • students would be the sole determinants of their own assessment

  • students would plan for assessment with the teacher


students would plan for assessment with the teacher

Constructivism is a philosophical view point given by Jean Piaget. This focuses on how human makes meaning in relation to the interaction between their experiences and ideas. In a constructivist classroom, a student would plan for assessment with the teacher.


Which one of these is a principle of child development?

  • Development occurs due to interaction between maturation and experience

  • Development can accurately predict the pace of each individual child

  • Experience is the sole determinant of development

  • Development is determined by reinforcement and punishment

Of the following statements, which one do you agree with?

  • Learning is completely governed by external stimuli

  • Learning takes place in a socio-cultural context

  • Learning cannot take place unless it is assessed externally in terms of marks

  • Learning has taken place only if it is evident in behavior

A major difference between the perspectives of Vygotsky and Piaget pertains to

  • their critique of behaviouristic principles

  • their conception of children as active constructors of knowledge

  • the role of providing a nurturing environment to children

  • their views about language and thought

The amount and type of scaffolding to a child would change depending on the

  • mood of the teacher

  • child's innate abilities

  • rewards offered for the task

  • level of the child's performance


Which one of the following would be the most effective way to identify a creative child by the teacher?

  • Observing how the child interacts with peers in team tasks

  • Detailed observation of the child especially when she solves problems

  • Administering standardized intelligence tests

  • Giving objective type tests

In the context of 'nature-nurture' debate, which one of the following statements seems appropriate to you?

  • A child is like a blank slate whose character can be moulded by the environment into any shape

  • Children are genetically predisposed to what they would be like irrespective of whatever environment they grow up in

  • Environmental influences only have a little value in shaping up a child's behaviour which is primarily genetically determined

  • Heredity and environment are inseparably interwoven and both influence development

As an upper primary school mathematics teacher you believe that

  • students' errors provide insights into their thinking

  • students need to possess procedural knowledge even if they don't understand conceptual basis

  • not all children have the ability to study mathematics in upper primary school

  • boys will learn mathematics without much effort since they are 'born with it' and you need to pay more attention to girls.

The rationale behind inclusive education is that

  • society is heterogeneous and schools need to be inclusive to cater to heterogeneous society

  • the benchmarks for performance of each child should be uniform and standardized

  • we need to take pity on special children and provide them access to facilities

  • it is not cost-effective to provide for separate schools for special children


Which one of these statements do you agree with?

  • A child fails because the government is not giving enough technological resources in schools

  • A child's failure is primarily due to lack of parent's education and economic status

  • A child's failure can be attributed directly to the genetic material he/she has acquired from his/her parents

  • A child's failure is a reflection on the system and its inability to respond to the child