Multiple Choice Questions


Development of the capacity for abstract scientific thinking is a characteristic of

  • concrete operational stage

  • formal operational stage

  • sensorimotor stage

  • pre-operational stage


formal operational stage

Jean Piaget in his Cognitive Development Theory, gave four stages of development

(i) Sensorimotor Stage: This is the first stage during this stage, infants are busy discovering relationship between their bodies and the environment.

(ii) Pre-operational Stage: It ranges from about age 2 to 7 years. The child in this stage is pre (before) operations. This means a child cannot use logic or transform, combine or separate ideas.

(iii) Concrete-operational Stage: This is the 3rd stage and most children will enter this stage around the age of 7 years and complete prior to eleven. The child is capable of performing a variety of mental operations and thoughts using concrete concepts.

(iv) Formal-operational Stage:  It is the 4th stage and begins at about the age of 11 years. In this, as adolescents enter this stage, they (children) gain the ability to think in an abstract manner.


Process of socialization does not include

  • acquiring values and beliefs

  • genetic transmission

  • learning the customs and norms of a culture

  • acquisition of skills

What term/phrase does Piaget use for 'mental structures which are the building blocks of thinking'?

  • Gene

  • Maturation blocks

  • Schemas

  • Zones of development

In an effective classroom

  • the children look up to the teacher for guidance and support to facilitate their learning

  • the children are always anxious and kept on their toes since the teacher keeps on giving regular tests to assess their ability for recall

  • the children fear the teacher since the teacher uses verbal and physical punishment

  • the children don't have any regard for the teacher and do as they please

Presenting disconnected chunks of knowledge would

  • help learners organize information on their own

  • make the task of the teacher difficult and that of the learners easy.

  • make it difficult for the learners to gain conceptual understanding

  • make recall easier for the learners


Do children acquire language because they are genetically predisposed to do so or because parents intensively teach them from an early age?

This question essentially highlights

  • whether development is a continuous process or discontinuous one?

  • the influence of cognition on development of language

  • the nature-nurture debate

  • the discussion on development as a multi-factor ability

According to Vygotsky why do children speak to themselves?

  • Children use their speech to attract the attention of adults to them

  • Children are very talkative by nature

  • Children are egocentric

  • Children use speech to guide their actions

A lot of children in India, especially girls do household chores before coming to school and after going back from school. What do you think a teacher should do regarding homework in this context?

  • The teacher should give homework that connects the learning at school to the children's lives at home

  • The teacher should ensure that the children wake up early in the morning and stay till late to complete their homework

  • Ask the parents of the children to get tuition for completing the homework for their children

  • She should give harsh punishment to the children who do not complete their homework

What is Creativity?

  • A form of intelligence that refers to skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience

  • A form of intelligence that depends heavily on information-processing skills including the speed of processing

  • Ability to identify or prepare original and divergent solutions to problems

  • Creativity is best defined as an IQ of above 200


Children with learning disabilities

  • have confusion between letters and alphabets that look alike

  • easily recognize and comprehend sight words

  • have retarded mental development

  • have low IQ