Multiple Choice Questions


What is the most important for the training of right behaviour in students?

  • Praise

  • Punishment

  • Reward

  • Presentation of right behaviour


Presentation of right behaviour

Psychological science has much to contribute to enhancing teaching and learning in the classroom. It can provide solutions for schools and teachers to promote a positive atmosphere like the presentation of right behaviour in front of the students that will help in training right behaviour to them.


The writer of the book, 'The Behaviour of Organisms' is

  • Skinner

  • Hull

  • Pavlov

  • Thorndike

Who is not associated with the idea of micro-teaching from the following?


  • Bush

  • David Hume

  • DW Allen

  • Achison

The relation which Skinner has with rats and Thorndike has with cats, same relation Kohler has with

  • dogs

  • hens

  • monkeys

  • chimpanzees

Where is Bureau of Psychology, Uttar Pradesh situated?

  • Lucknow

  • Allahabad

  • Agra

  • Varanasi


Which of the following is not the level of teaching-learning?

  • Understanding level

  • Reflective level

  • Memory level

  • Distance level

Which of the following is not a characteristic of inclusive education?

  • It enhances learning only for students with special needs

  • It is the shift in service from the care of disabled children to their education and personal development

  • Inclusive education is a continuous process, not an achieved state or product

  • It seeks to maximise the potential of all students

Learning plateau is

  • arrested growth in learning

  • cessation of learning

  • defect in learning

  • obstruction in learning

Who had proposed the 'Goal gradient' concept in problem-solving?

  • Hull

  • Kendler

  • Kohler

  • Brich


Which of the following is not democratic strategy in classroom teaching?

  • Lecture

  • Project

  • Heuristic

  • Brainstorming