Multiple Choice Questions


Who wrote 'Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested'?

  • EV Lucas

  • VS Naipaul

  • Francis Bacon

  • EM Forster


Francis Bacon


The line 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever' has been written by which of the following?

  • William Wordsworth

  • John Keats

  • Robert Frost

  • PB Shelley

Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb.

It isn't easy to _______ children now-a-days.

  • train up

  • bring up

  • put up

  • leave out

Pick out the comparative form of the sentence.

He is as wise as Soloman

  • Soloman is wiser than he is

  • Soloman is not wiser than he is

  • He is wiser than Soloman

  • Soloman is the wisest among them

Point out the figure of speech in the following sentence.

'Here's the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand'

  • Metaphor

  • Hyperbole

  • Oxymoron

  • Personification


'Shylock' is a character in which play?

  • Othello

  • The Monkeys Paw

  • The Merchant of Venice

  • Romeo and Julie

Complete the following proverb.

The pen is mightier ________ .

  • than the King

  • than the artist

  • than the actor

  • than the sword

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

He killed two birds ________ one stone.

  • by

  • at

  • of

  • with

'Arms and the Man' was written by which playwright?

  • John Osborne

  • William Shakespeare

  • George Bernard Shaw

  • Eugene O'Neill


Point out the active voice of the following sentence.

This notice has been altered.

  • The alteration has been made in this notice by someone

  • Someone has altered this notice

  • Already the notice has been altered

  • The notice had been altered previously