You have two test tubes A and B. Test tube A contains a paste of




TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A teacher places a lighted candle on the table in the classroom. He later covers it with a jar.

  1. The candle stops burning after some time.
  2. Air is required for keeping the candle burning.
  3. Oxygen is required for keeping the candle burning.

Of the above three statements

  • All the statements are observations

  • All the statements are inferences

  • Only Statement I is an observation

  • Statements I and II are observations


Which one among the following questions would be an 'open-ended' question?

  • Why is it easier to roll a barrel than to slide it on a flat surface?

  • How do banked curves on roads prevent skidding?

  • Why do we slip on a banana peel?

  • What would happen if the force of friction ceased to exist?


Which one of the following statements is true about the 'laws' and 'theories' in science?

  • Theories are found in biological sciences only and laws are found in physical sciences only.

  • Theories and laws are the same and perform the same function except that laws are briefer form of theories

  • Laws are generalized descriptions of the relationships among observable phenomena and theories are explanations for the observable phenomena

  • Theories become laws when validated


A science teacher wishes to assess her students on different process skills. Which one among the following tools would be the most appropriate for her purpose?

  • Observation schedule

  • Paper-pencil test

  • Interview

  • Questionnaire


Which one of the following should not be an aim of science education at the upper primary level?

  • Inculcating values

  • Presenting facts of science to the learners

  • Relating science education to the everyday experiences of learners

  • Nurturing the curiosity and cultivation of scientific temper


How could learning be made more meaningful for students of class VII by the teacher while teaching the topic 'Save Water'?

  • Asking students to interview people in their colony about water consumption and carry out 'Water Audit'

  • Conducting a quiz competition

  • Asking students to design posters

  • Asking students to write an essay


A teacher before beginning to teach 'digestion' to class VI students provides them with the outline diagram of a human body and asks them to draw all parts, through which they think the food would travel from the mouth when they eat.

What could be the teacher's purpose in asking this question?

  • To investigate students' prior ideas related to human body and digestion so that future teaching-learning sessions can be accordingly planned

  • To find out which students have read the topic in advance and come prepared for the class and grade them accordingly

  • To evaluate students' drawing skills as drawing diagrams is an important skill in life sciences

  • To judge students' understanding of the digestive system and grade them accordingly


For an effective discussion in class VII on the topic, "Why smoke rises up?" A science teacher should

  1. discourage questions during the discussion.
  2. provide a common platform to the learners.
  3. acknowledge learners' responses to sustain their interest
  4. summarize and assess the learner's ideas at the end of discussion

  • Only IV

  • III and IV

  • I and II

  • II, III and IV



You have two test tubes A and B. Test tube A contains a paste of turmeric whereas test tube B contains an aqueous solution of phenolphthalein. On adding a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to these test tubes the contents of

  • A and B both would appear red

  • A would appear red while those of B would remain colorless

  • A would remain yellow while those of B would appear pink

  • A would remain yellow while those of B would remain colourless


A would appear red while those of B would remain colorless

Turmeric is a natural indicator for acid and base which turns red on adding dil. HCl to it. On adding dil. HCl to phenolphthalein will be colourless because phenolphthalein is an indicator which will be colourless in acids and pink in bases.


Anita prepared a fresh solution of sodium hydroxide in a test tube. She dropped a small piece of aluminum foil into it and then brought a burning matchstick near the mouth of the test tube. She hears a pop sound. The pop sound indicates the presence of

  • hydrogen gas

  • aluminum gas

  • water gas

  • oxygen gas
