ICSE Previous Year Question Papers and NCERT Books


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04:41 am

ICSE Resource Centre
For Class 10

Stay relaxed and sure with your preparations on Zigya on subjects that keep adding up with each passing day. Going through questions and topics that matter help you stay ahead of the expectations.

  • Class 10

    Class 10

    Physics | Geography | English | History and Civics | Biology | Hindi | Chemistry | Psychology
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ISC Resource Centre
For Class 12

Choose to study important exam questions for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and Political Science subjects and for class 12. You can also go through Previous Year Papers for these subjects too.

  • Class 12

    Class 12

    Biology | Chemistry | Political Science | Physics | Geography
    Zig In
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Previous Year Papers
For The Final Check

Never miss to catch on the questions that your seniors had to face. Best is to look for them, Exam Questions, while you study specific chapters. If you missed it, check out last ten year solved papers for each subject. If you want, you can download them and give it a try.

Book Store
For The Screenager

Refer to your curriculum books or chapters while you are on Zigya. You can view or download books form different boards. The Store keeps adding books that interests Zigya members. Try it out today.


Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (abbreviated as CISCE) is a national level, private, Board of School education in India that conducts the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education and the Indian School Certificate examinations for Class X and Class XII respectively. It was established in 1958.

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations conducts three examinations, namely, the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE –Class X); The Indian School Certificate (ISC - ClassXII) and the Certificate in Vocational Education (CVE - Year 12). The subject choices and syllabuses prescribed for these examinations are varied and aimed at nurturing the unique gifts of individual pupils.
