NCERT Class 10 and 12 Online book Store and Board Books


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Book Store
For The Screenager

Refer to your curriculum books or chapters while you are on Zigya. You can view or download books for different boards. The Store keeps adding books that interests Zigya members. Try it out today. Explore our online NCERT bookstore for class 10 and 12 books, including free resources and board books. Elevate your education with quality learning materials. Access a wide range of NCERT books online, including class 10 and 12 resources, board books, and free learning materials. Your educational journey starts here!. Explore our online NCERT book store for board books, booklets for Class 10, and essential learning materials. Get the best resources for CBSE success!
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For The Curious Learner

Switch to Clean Clutter Free Question Based Learning on Zigya and excel at exams and unit tests. Go ahead and Like, Bookmark, Download, Print your favorite questions. Share important interesting questions with your friends on your favorite social platforms. Refer to multiple boards for classes 8 to 12. Customize your learning experience anytime anywhere.
Education Company

Zigya derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Jigyasa’, meaning ‘curiosity’ forms the ethos of the company. Curiosity is the foundation of learning, which is why Zigya follows a unique model of non-pedagogical approach to learning.

Zigya’s approach is designed to ensure that students remain curious to know more and build on self-reliance having timely answers to their questions. Zigya’s endeavour is to create a platform for people in the academic world, so that they can cross leverage each other and create an environment of learning that is rich and engaging.

Zigya comes with an objective of providing a Resource Centre for all to tap into; where students learn at their own pace and in their own style. In its spirit of achieving universalization of education, Zigya Resource Centre comes absolutely free to the people who need it the most - be it students or educators. Discover a comprehensive online NCERT bookstore offering board books, class 10 booklets, and free resources for NCERT 11 and 12. Enhance your learning today!
