Sexual Reproduction | How do Organisms Reproduce? - Zigya

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How do Organisms Reproduce?

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Sexual Reproduction

When reproduction takes place as a result of the fusion of male and female gametes is called sexual reproduction. Fusion of gametes is called fertilization which results in variation.

Reproduction in Human Beings

Human beings are complex animals and hence there is a distinct phase in their life cycle which marks the onset and attainment of sexual maturity.The period of life when production of germ cells i.e., ova (female) and sperm (male) start in the body. This period of sexual maturation is called puberty.

It usually starts at around 10 – 11 years of age in girls and at around 12 – 13 years of age in boys.

It usually ends at around 18th year of age in girls and at around 19th year of age in boys.

Since the years during puberty end in ‘teens’; hence this phase is also called teenage.

Humans use sexual mode of reproduction.

  • Male Reproductive System
    1. Testes: A pair of testes are located inside scrotum which is present outside the abdominal cavity. Scrotum has a relatively lower temperature needed for the production of sperms.
      1. Male germ cell i.e., sperms are formed here.
      2. Testes release male sex hormone (testosterone).
      3. Its function is :
        • Regulate production of sperms.
        • Bring changes at puberty.
    2. Vas deferens: It passes sperms from testes up to urethra.
    3. Urethra: It is a common passage for both sperms and urine. Its outer covering is called a penis.
    4. Associated glands: Seminal vesicles and prostate gland add their secretion to the sperms. This fluid provides nourishment to sperms and make their transport easy. Sperm along with secretion of glands forms semen.
  • Female Reproductive System

    The female reproductive system in human beings is composed of following parts:

    Ovary : A pair of the ovary is located in both sides of the abdomen.

    1. Female germ cells i.e., eggs are produced here.
    2. At the time of birth of a girl, thousands of immature eggs are present in the ovary.
    3. At the onset of puberty, some of these eggs start maturing.
    4. One egg is produced every month by one of the ovaries.

    Oviduct or Fallopian tube

    1. Receives the egg produced by the ovary and transfer it to the uterus.
    2. Fertilisation i.e., a fusion of gametes takes place here.

    Uterus: It is a bag-like structure where the development of the baby takes place.

    1. Uterus opens into the vagina through the cervix.

  • What happens when the Egg is not Fertilised?

    When the egg is fertilised :

    1. The fertilized egg called zygote is planted in the uterus and develops into an embryo.
    2. The embryo gets nutrition from the mother’s blood with the help of a special tissue called placenta. It provides a large surface area for the exchange of glucose, oxygen and waste material.
    3. The time period from fertilization up to the birth of the baby is called gestation period. It is about 9 months.

    When the egg is not fertilised :

    1. The uterus prepares itself every month to receive a fertilized egg.
    2. The lining of the uterus becomes thick and spongy, required to support the embryo.
    3. When fertilisation had not taken place, this lining is not needed any longer.
    4. This lining breaks and comes out through vagina as blood and mucus.This cycle takes around 28 days every month and called menstruation.

  • Reproductive Health

    Reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction i.e., physical, emotional, social and behavioural.

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

    1. Many diseases can be sexually transmitted such as :
      1. Bacterial: Gonorrhoea and syphilis 
      2. Viral: Warts and HIV-AIDS
    2. Use of condom prevents these infections to some extent.


    It is the avoidance of pregnancy, can be achieved by preventing the fertilisation of ova.

    Methods of contraception

    1. Physical barrier
      1. To prevent the union of egg and sperm.
      2. Use of condoms, cervical caps and diaphragm.
    2. Chemical methods
      1. Use of oral pills
      2. These change hormonal balance of body so that eggs are not released.
      3. May have side effects.
    3. Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)
      1. Copper-T or loop is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy.
    4. Surgical methods
      1. In males, the vas deferens is blocked to prevent sperm transfer called vasectomy.
      2. In females, the fallopian tube is blocked to prevent egg transfer called tubectomy.

    Female Foeticide

    1. The practice of killing a female child inside the womb is called female foeticide.
    2. For a healthy society, a balanced sex ratio is needed that can be achieved by educating people to avoid malpractices like female foeticide and prenatal sex determination.
    3. Prenatal sex determination is a legal offence in our country so as to maintain a balanced sex ratio.

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

A flower is a modified shoot with a limited growth. Flowers vary in size, shape, structure and colour. The main parts of a flower are,

  1. Calyx
  2. Corolla
  3. Androecium
  4. Gynoecium

The androecium is the male part of a flower, and Gynoecium is the female part.

An androecium is a group of stamens. Each Stamen consists of a stalk called the filament and a small bag like structure called the anther at the tip. The pollen grains are contained in the anther within the pollen sacs.

Gynoecium: Gynoecium is the female part of the flower and consists of the carpels or ovary. Gynoecium has three parts

  1. Stigma
  2. Style
  3. Ovary

The ovary contains the ovules and each ovule carries within it an embryo sac, within which lies the egg cell or the female gamete.

The sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves

  1. Pollination
  2. Fertilization

Pollination: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma is called pollination. Pollen grains are transferred mainly by wind, water and insects. They are called as pollinating agents.

Pollination is of two types.

  1. Self-pollination
  2. Cross-Pollination

Why the Sexual Mode of Reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is the process in which two components ( male and female) are involved to produce offsprings of their own kind. A bull alone cannot produce new calves. It needs a cow. Female sheep alone cannot produce new ones. It needs a male sheep. Both the sexes, male and female, are needed to produce new offspring.
