Cropping Pattern | Agriculture - Zigya

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Cropping Pattern


Seasons Sown Harvested Crops Regions
Rabi Oct-Dec April-June Wheat , Barley, Peas, Gram, Mustard Punjab, Haryana, U.P., J & K
Kharif June-Aug Sep-Oct Paddy, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Moong, Urad, Jute, Cotton, Groundnut Assam, W.Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh,  U.P. 
Zaid April-May June-July Mango, Watermelon, Cucumber, Vegetables  

Major Crops

Major crops grown in India are rice, wheat, millets, pulses, tea, coffee, sugarcane, oilseeds, cotton and jute, etc.

  • Rice

    It is the staple diet of India. India ranks second in the world in terms of rice production after China. It is a Kharif crop which requires high temperature, (above 25°C) and high humidity with annual rainfall above 100 cm.

  • Wheat

    It is the main food crop, in north and north-western part of the country. This rabi crop requires a cool growing season and a bright sunshine at the time of ripening. It requires 50 to 75 cm of annual rainfall evenly distributed over the growing season.

  • Millets

    Jowar, Bajra and Ragi are the important millets grown in India.


    • Third most important crop in terms of production.
    • Grows well in moist areas.
    • Largest producer is Maharashtra, followed by Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and M.P


    • Grows well on sandy soils and black soil.
    • Largest producer is Rajasthan, followed by U.P., Maharashtra, Gujarat and Haryana.


    • Grows well on red, black, sandy, loamy and black soil.
    • Largest producer is Karnataka, followed by Tamil Nadu.
    • Rich in iron and calcium.

  • Pulses


    1. India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses.
    2. They are rich in proteins.
    3. Important pulses of India are tur, urad, moong, masur, peas and gram.
    4. Major pulse producing states in India are Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
