Equivalent conductivity : The conductivity of a volume (V) of a solution containing one equivalent of electrolyte placed between two electrodes separated by unit distance apart and of large enough area of cross-section to hold the entire volume (V) is called equivalent conductance. It is denoted by Λeq.
Λeq = k x V
where k = Specific conductance
V = Volume of solution containing one equivalent of electrolyte.
Molar conductivity : It is the conductivity of volume (V) of a solution containing 1 mole of a dissolved electrolyte place between two electrodes separated by unit distance apart and of enough area of cross-section to hold the entire volume V. It is denoted by Λm.
Λm= k x V = k / V where V = Volume of solution Containing 1 mole of electrolyte C = molarity of solution k = Specific conductivity.
The following curve is obtained when molar conductivity λm (y-axis) is plotted against the square root of concentration C1/2 (x-axis) for two electrolytes A and B.
(a) What can you about the nature of the two electrolytes A and B.
(b) How do you account for the increase in molar conductivity λm for the electrolytes A and B on dilution.