75 mL of 0.2 M HCl is mixed with 25 mL of 1M HCl. To this solutio

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Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to basic character ?

  • PH3 > P(CH3)3

  • PH3 = NH3

  • PH3 > NH3

  • P(CH3)3 > PH3



75 mL of 0.2 M HCl is mixed with 25 mL of 1M HCl. To this solution, 300 mL of distilled water is added. What is the pH of the resultant solution?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 4

  • 0.2



V1 = 75 mL ; V2 = 25 mL

M1 = 0.2 M ; M2 = 1 M

V3 = 300 mL ; pH = ?

 V = V1 + V2 = 75 + 25 = 100 mL

M = V1M1 + V2M2V1 + V2 = 75 × 0.2 × 2575 + 25 = 0.4 M

 Total volume

V' = V1 + V2 + V3 

   = 75 + 25 + 300

   = 400 mL

MV = M'V'

0.4 × 100 = M' × 400

M = 0.1 M

Concentration of HCl = 0.1 = 101

 pH = -log10[H+] = 1


If the ionic product of water (Kw) is 1.96 x 10-14 at 35°C, what is its value at 10°C?

  • 1.96 × 10-14

  • 3.92 × 10-14

  • 2.95  × 10-14

  • 1.96 × 10-13


Which one of the following statements is correct?

  • Bronsted-Lowery theory could not explain the acidic nature of BCl3

  • The pH of 0.01 M NaOH solution is 2.

  • The ionic product of water at 25°C is 10-10 mol2L-2

  • The pH of a solution can be calculated using the equation pH = log[H+].


One mole of A(g) is heated to 200°C in a one litre closed flask, till the following equilibrium is reached.

A(g) B(g)

The rate of forward reaction at equilibrium is 0.02 mol L-1min-1. What is the rate (in mol L-1min-1) of the backward reaction at equilibrium?

  • 0.04

  • 0.01

  • 0.02

  • 1


Iron sulphide is heated in air to form A an oxide of sulphur. A is dissolved in water to give an acid. The basicity of this acid is

  • 2

  • 3

  • 1

  • zero


In which of the following reactions, the concentration of product is higher than the concentration of reactant at equilibrium? (K = equilibrium constant)

  •  B; K = 0.001

  •  N; K = 10

  •  Y; K = 0.005

  •  P; K = 0.01


Study the following table:
Buffer solution Volume (in mL) of 0 M weak acid Volume (in mL) of 0.1 M sodium salt of weak acid
I 4.0 4.0
II 4.0 40.0
III 40.0 4.0
IV 0.1 10.0

Which of the two sets of butter solutions have least pH?

  • I and II

  • I and III

  • II and III

  • II and IV


Assertion (A): The pH of a buffer solution containing equal moles of acetic acid and sodium acetate is 4.8 (pKof acetic acid is 4.8).

Reason (R): The ionic product of water at 25°C is 10-14mol2.L-2. The correct answer is

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

  • (A) is true but (R) is not true

  • (A) is not true but (R) is true


At 550 K, the Kc for the following reaction is 104 mol-1X(g) + Y (g)  Z(g). At equilibrium, it was observed that [X] =12[Y] =12[Z]. What is the value of [Z] (in mol L-1) at equilibrium?

  • 2 × 10-4

  • 10-4

  • 2 × 104

  • 104
