Hydrogen atom of chloroform is definitely acidic, but that of methane is not. Why?
What is the role of phosphorus in the preparation of ethyl iodide from ethyl alcohol and iodine?
tetra - Butyl iodide undergoes following reactions:
(CH3)3 Cl+H2O → (CH3)3COH + HI
(CH3)3CI + OH– → (CH3)2 C = CH2 + H2O + I–
Give reasons.
Why a small amount of ethyl alcohol is added to chloroform stored for use as an anaes-thatic?
After using carbon tetrachloride as a fire extinguisher inside a closed space, the space is thoroughly ventilated. Why?
Unlike the chlorine atom in CH3CI, that in chlorobenzene, C6H5Cl, is not easily replaced by the —OH group. Give reason.
When a iodoform is heated with silver nitrate solution, a precipitate is formed. No precipitate is formed if chloroform is used in place of iodoform. Why?