What is the role of phosphorus in the preparation of ethyl iodide from ethyl alcohol and iodine?
tetra - Butyl iodide undergoes following reactions:
(CH3)3 Cl+H2O → (CH3)3COH + HI
(CH3)3CI + OH– → (CH3)2 C = CH2 + H2O + I–
Give reasons.
RBr reacts with AgNO2 to give both RNO2 and RONO. Give reason.
The nitrite ion, has two nucleophilic sites N and O. Reaction with the unshared electron pair on N gives RNO2 and reaction with the unshared pair of electrons on O gives R—O—N = O.
Structure of nitrite ion,
Why a small amount of ethyl alcohol is added to chloroform stored for use as an anaes-thatic?
After using carbon tetrachloride as a fire extinguisher inside a closed space, the space is thoroughly ventilated. Why?
Unlike the chlorine atom in CH3CI, that in chlorobenzene, C6H5Cl, is not easily replaced by the —OH group. Give reason.
When a iodoform is heated with silver nitrate solution, a precipitate is formed. No precipitate is formed if chloroform is used in place of iodoform. Why?