Write the various steps for balancing a redox equation by oxidat

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Write the various steps for balancing a redox equation by oxidation number method.

During a redox reaction, the total increase in oxidation number must be equal to the total decrease in oxidation number. This is the basic principle for balancing the chemical equation by oxidation number method. The following are the steps involved:

1. Writing the skeleton redox reaction.

2. Assign oxidation numbers of atoms in each compound above the symbol of the element.

3. Identify the element or elements which undergo a change in oxidation number.

4. Calculate the increase or decrease in oxidation number per atom. Multiply this number of increase/ decrease of oxidation number with the number of atoms which are undergoing the change.

5. The species (atoms, ions or molecules) involved in change in O.N. are now multiplied by a suitable coefficient so that the total increase in O.N. becomes equal to the total increase in O.N. The determination of the increase in oxidation number and a decrease in oxidation number (step 4) itself gives the values of these coefficients.

6. Balance the equation with respect to all other atoms except hydrogen and oxygen.

7. Finally, balance hydrogen and oxygen.

8. For balancing oxygen atoms, add a water molecule for each oxygen atom on the side deficient in oxygen.

9. In acidic medium, for balancing hydrogen atoms, add H+ ions for each hydrogen atom on the side deficient in hydrogen atoms. Be sure that all participants and charges are balanced in the final equation.

10. In a basic medium, if hydrogen remains unbalanced , add water molecule for each hydrogen atom on the side deficient in hydroxyl atoms and add an equal number Of hydrogen ions on the opposite side.



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Balance the following equation by oxidation number method.

bold space bold space bold FeCl subscript bold 3 bold space bold plus bold space bold H subscript bold 2 bold S bold space bold space bold rightwards arrow bold space bold space bold space bold FeCl subscript bold 2 bold space bold plus bold space bold HCl bold space bold plus bold space bold S



Balance the following equation by oxidation number method:
    straight P space plus space HNO subscript 3 space space rightwards arrow space space space HPO subscript 3 space plus space NO space plus space straight H subscript 2 straight O



Balance the following equation by oxidation number method:

SnO subscript 2 space plus space straight C space rightwards arrow space space space Sn space plus space CO


126. Balance the equation by oxidation number method:

bold space bold Fe subscript bold 2 bold O subscript bold 3 bold space bold plus bold space bold C bold space bold space bold rightwards arrow bold space bold space bold space bold space bold Fe bold space bold plus bold space bold CO

 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type

127. Balance the euqation by oxidation number method:
straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 6 space plus space straight O subscript 2 space space space rightwards arrow space space space CO subscript 2 space plus space space straight H subscript 2 straight O

128. Balance the following,chemical equation by oxidation number method:

FeS subscript 2 space plus space straight O subscript 2 space space rightwards arrow space space space Fe subscript 2 straight O subscript 3 space plus space SO subscript 2

129. Balance the following,chemical equation by oxidation number method:

Mn to the power of 2 plus end exponent space plus space straight S subscript 2 straight O subscript 8 superscript 2 minus end superscript space space space space rightwards arrow space space space space stack MnO subscript 4 superscript minus space plus space HSO subscript 4 superscript minus with left parenthesis acidic space medium right parenthesis below



Balance the following chemical equation by oxidation number method:
          Zn space plus space NO subscript 3 superscript minus space space rightwards arrow space space space Zn to the power of 2 plus end exponent space plus space left parenthesis NH subscript 4 right parenthesis to the power of plus in acidic medium.

