Which is the correct relation for diffusion of gases : from

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Inert gases are mixed in iodine vapours. Then there are _____ between them.

  • H-bonding

  • van der Waals forces

  • electrostatic forces

  • metallic bonds


Critical temperatures for A, B, C and D gases are 25°C, 10°C, -80°C and 15°C respectively. Which gas will be liquefied more easily?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D


Assertion : If H2 and Cl2 enclosed separately in the same vessel exert pressure of 100 and 200 mm respectively, their mixture in the same vessel at the same temperature will exert a pressure of 300 mm.

Reason : Dalton's law of partial pressures states that total pressure is the sum of partial pressures.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.



Which is the correct relation for diffusion of gases :

  •  d

  •  d

  •  1d

  • none of these



According to Graham for an ideal gas ,



If the r.m.s. speed of a gaseous molecule is x m/sec at a pressure P atm , then what will be the r.m.s. speed at a pressure 2P atm and constant temperature ?

  • x

  • 2x

  • 4x

  • x/4


The solution obtained by adding water to alcohol, shows :

  • +ve deviation from Raoult's law

  • ideal behaviour

  • -ve deviation from Raoult's law

  • application of Henry's law


If P is pressure and ρ is density of a gas, then P and ρ are related as :

  •  ρ

  •  1ρ

  •  ρ2

  •  1ρ2


Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is strongest in

  • methylamine

  • phenol

  • formaldehyde

  • methanol


At a certain temperature, the value of the slope of the plot of osmotic pressure (π) against concentration (C in molL-1) of a certain polymer solution is 291R. The temperature at which osmotic pressure is measured, is (R is gas constant) 

  • 271°C

  • 18°C

  • 564 K

  • 18 K


The RMS velocity of CO gas molecules at 27°C is approximately 1000 m/s. For N2 molecules at 600 K, the RMS velocity is approximately

  • 2000 m/s

  • 1414 m/s

  • 1000 m/s

  • 1500 m/s
