(i) temperature increases at constant pressure.
(ii) pressure increases at constant temperature.
Colloids including emulsions have great number of uses in day to day life, such as
(i) Sewage disposal Sewage water contains charged colloidal particles of dirt, rubbish etc. which are removed by electrophoresis.
(ii) Rubber planting. The negatively charged rubber particles from rubber sol are deposited on handles of tools.
(iii) Cottrell smoke precipitator. Smoke contains positively charged colloidal particles which are separated by Cottrell smoke precipitation.
(iv) In preparing nano-material Nano material are used as catalysts and are prepared by using reverse micelles.
(v) Building roads Emulsified asphalt in water is used in making roads.
(vi) In disinfectants Dettol, lysol etc. disinfectants forms emulsions of oil in water and are then used.
(vii) In medicine Medicines and pharmaceutical preparation in the form of emulsions are more easily assimilated.
(viii) In metallurgical operations Froth floatation process involves treatment of pulverised ore in emulsion of pure oil.