Heat of formation of SO2 is -298 kJ. What is the heat of combusti

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The activation energy of exothermic reaction A → B is 80 kJ mo1-1. The heat of reaction is 200 kJ mol-1. The activation evergy for the reaction B → A (in kJ mol-1) will be

  • 280

  • 200

  • 120

  • 40


What would be the heat released when an aqueous solution containing 0.5 mole of HNO3 is mixed with 0.3 mole of OH- (enthalpy of neutralization is -57.1 k.J) ?

  • 28.5 kJ

  • 17.1 kJ

  • 45.7 kJ

  • 1.7 kJ


Δ H and ΔS for a reaction are +30.558 kJ mol-1 and 0.066 kJ K-1mol-1 at 1 atm pressure. The temperature at which free energy change is equal to zero and the nature of the reaction below this temperature are :

  • 483 K, spontaneous

  • 443 K, non-spontaneous

  • 443 K, spontaneous

  • 463 K, non-spontaneous


The enthalpy of vaporization of substance is 840 J mol-1 and its boiling point is -173°C. Its entropy of vaporization is :

  • 42 J mol-1 K-1

  • 21 J mol-1 K-1

  • 84 J mol-1 K-1

  • 8.4 J mol-1 K-1


Given the following thermochemical equations:

Zn + 12O2 → ZnO + 84,000 cal

Hg + 12O2 → HgO + 21,700 cal

Accordingly the heat of reaction for the following reaction, Zn + HgO → Hg + heat is:

  • 105,700 cal

  • 61,000 cal

  • 62,300 cal

  • 60,000 cal


The law of thermodynamics formulated by Dr.N. Nernst is :

  • first law of thermodynamics

  • second law of thermodynamics

  • third law of thermodynamics

  • both (a) and (b)


Heat of neutralization will be minimum for which of the following combination?

  • NaOH + H2SO4


  • NaOH + HCl

  • NaOH + CH3COOH


2 moles of helium gas expanded isothermally and irreversible at 27°C from volume 1 dm3 to 1 m3 at constant pressure of 100 kPa. Calculate the work done.

  • 99900 kJ

  • 99900 J

  • 34464.65 kJ

  • 34464.65 J



Heat of formation of SO2 is -298 kJ. What is the heat of combustion of 4 g of S ?

  • + 37 kJ

  • -37.15 kJ

  • + 298 kJ

  • 18.6 kJ


-37.15 kJ

Heat of combustion is defined as the change in total heat accompanying when one mole of substance undergoes complete combustion in excess of oxygen.

S + O2 → SO2H = 298 kJ

 Heat of formation of SO2 = heat of combustion of SO2

Atomic mass of S = 32 gm

 Combustion of 4 gm of S gives heat

-29832 × 4 

= -37.25 kJ


For the reaction

PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

  • ΔH = ΔE

  • ΔH > ΔE

  • ΔH < ΔE

  • None of these
