The enthalpy of the formation of CO2 and H2O are -395 kJ and -285

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


When 1 mole of a gas is heated at constant volume, temperature is raised from 298 K to 308 K. Heat supplied to the gas is 500J. Then, which statement is correct?

  • q= -W = 500J : ΔE= 0

  • q= W = 500J : ΔE= 0

  • q = ΔE= 500J , W= 0

  • ΔE = 0; q= W = -500J


If enthaplies of formation for C2H2(g), CO2(g) and H2O(l) at 25°C and 1atm pressure be 52, -394 and -286kJ mol-1 respectively, then the enthaply of combustion of C2H4(g) will be

  • -141.2 kJ mol-1

  • -1412 kJ mol-1

  • + 141.2 kJ mol-1

  • + 1412 kJ mol-1


The enthalpy of combustion for the H2, cyclohexene and cyclohexane are -241, -3800 and -3920 kJ mol-1 respectively. Heat of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is

  • 121 kJ mol-1

  • -121 kJ mol-1

  • 242 kJ mol-1

  • -242 kJ mol-1


If  H(H2O) is -286.20 kJ mol-1, then  Hf°  (OH-) is

  • -228.88 kJ mol-1

  • +228.88 kJ mol-1

  • -343.52 kJ mol-1

  • +343.52 kJ mol-1


1 mole of gas occupying 3 L volume is expanded against a constant external pressure of 1 atm to a volume of 15 L. The work done by a system is equal to

  • -1.215 × 103 J

  • -12.15 × 103 J

  • +1.215 × 103 J

  • +12.15 × 103 J


Which one of the following is not a state function?

  • Internal energy

  • Work

  • Entropy

  • Free energy


Given that N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g): ΔrH° =-92kJ, the standard molar enthalpy of formation in kJ mol-1 of NH3(g) is 

  • -92

  • +46

  • +92

  • -46


In view of rG° for the following reactions

PbO2 + Pb → 2PbO, rG°r

SnO2 + Sn → 2SnO, rG°r

Which oxidation state is more characteristic for lead and tin?

  • For lead +2, for tin +2

  • For lead +4, for tin +4

  • For lead +2, for tin +4

  • For lead +4, for tin +2



The enthalpy of the formation of CO2 and H2O are -395 kJ and -285 kJ respectively and the enthalpy of combustion of acetic acid is 869 kJ. The enthalpy of formation of acetic acid is

  • 340 kJ

  • 420 kJ

  • 491 kJ

  • 235 kJ


491 kJ

Combustion reaction for acetic acid is

CH3COOH + 2O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O


      HR= Hf° (product) - Hf° (reactants)-869 = [2 × Hf° (CO2) + 2 × Hf° (H2O)] (Hf° (CH3COOH) + 0)-869 = [2 × (-395)+2 × (-285)] - [Hf° (CH3COOH)]-869 = -790 - 570 - Hf° (CH3COOH) Hf° (CH3COOH) = -1360 + 869 = -491 kJ


Considering entropy(s) as a thermodynamic parameter, the criterion for the spontaneity of any process, the change in entropy is

  • Ssystem >0 only

  • Ssurrounding > 0

  • Ssystem + Ssurrounding > 0

  • (Ssystem - Ssurrounding) > 0
