The internal energy of a substance from Chemistry Thermodynamics

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C(dia) + O2  CO2H = - 395.4 kJ/ mol

C(gr) + O2 CO2H   = - 393.5 kJ/ mol

C(gr) C(dia)H = ?

  • -3.8

  • -1.9

  • +3.8

  • +1.9



The internal energy of a substance

  • decrease with increase in temperature

  • increase with increase in temperature

  • remains unaffected with change in temperature

  • calculated by E = mc2


increase with increase in temperature

The internal energy of a substance always increases with increase in temperature.


In an isothermal process

  • H = E+PV

  • H = W

  • H = E

  • H =ST


In an isochoric process, the increase in internal energy is equal to:

  • the sum of heat absorbed and work done

  • the work done

  • heat absorbed

  • heat evolved


Heat of a reaction at constant pressure is equal to:

  • HP - HR

  • HP + HR

  • HP × HR

  • HPHR


10 moles of ideal gas expand isothermally and reversibly from a pressure of 10 atrn to 1 atm at 300K. What is the largest mass which can lifted through a height of 100 meter?

  • 48.75 kg

  • 58.55 kg

  • 75.64 kg

  • 64.13 kg


The cooling in refrigerator is due to :

  • the reaction of the refrigerator gas

  • the expansion of ice

  • the expansion of the gas in the refrigerator

  • the work of the compressor


The temperature of the system decreases in an :

  • adiabatic compression

  • isothermal compression

  • isothermal expansion

  • adiabatic expansion


A certain reaction is at equilibrium at 82°C and the enthalpy change for this reaction is 21.3 kJ. The value of S(JK-1mol-1) for the reaction is :

  • 55.0

  • 60.0

  • 68.5

  • 120.0


The heat is liberated when 1.89 g of benzoic acid is burnt in a bomb calorimeter at 25 °C and it increases the temperature of 18.94 kg of water by 0.632 °C. If the specific heat of water at 25 °C is 0.998 cal/g-deg, then value of the heat of combustion of benzoic acid is

  • 881.1 kcal

  • 981.1 kcal

  • 771.1 kcal

  • 871.2 kcal
