Check the divisibility of the following numbers by 9.
(i) 1827 (ii) 2025 (iii) 12345
Check the divisibility of the following numbers by 3.
(i) 1227 (ii) 6083 (iii) 12345
If 51x3 is a multiple of 9, where x is a digits, then what is the value of x?
If 27x is a multiple of 3 and x is a digit then find the value of x.
Write the following numbers in the generalized form:(i) 65 (ii) 605
Write the following numbers in usual form:(i) 7 x 100 + 10 x 5 + 9 x 1 (ii) 4 x 100 + 10 x 0 + 7 x 1
Is 307 divisible by 9?
Is 1125 divisible by 3?
Is 10011 divisible by 3?
If 12 x is divisible by 2, then x must be equal to
0, 2, 4, 6, or 8