The means and standard deviation of heights and weights of 50 students of a class are as follows:
WEIGHTS (kg.) HEIGHT (inches)
Mean 63.2 63.2
S.D. 5.6 11.5
Which shows more variability, the highest or weights?
The marks scored by two students A and B in 8 tests during an academic session were : A (marks out of 100) 70, 79, 81, 68, 52, 57, 68, 85.
B (marks out of 100) 89, 72, 75, 91, 54, 51, 64, 64 Which of the two has more variability in marks?
Runs scored by two batsmen during cricket season, in 8 innings were as follows : A : 48, 56, 54, 39, 46, 59, 48, 50
B: 68, 84, 65, 83, 46, 20, 98, 96
Which of the batsmen is more consistent and which one is more invariable?
Solution not provided.
Ans. Most-consistent = Hindi, Most variable = S. Studies.