What kind of contact must the plaintiff prove as an element of t

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


 On which date, World Day Against Child Labor is observed?

  • 10 June

  • 12 June

  • 13 June

  • 13 June



 Against which Indian companies, United States has opened an investigation for alleged H1-B visa violation? 

  • Infosys and TCS

  • TCS and Wipro

  • Wipro and Infosys

  • Wipro and Infosys



Which one of the following declarations is related to working children?


  • Madras declaration

  • Kundapur declaration

  • Mysuru declaration

  • Mysuru declaration



104. What kind of contact must the plaintiff prove as an element of the tort of battery?
  • Violent contact
  •  Contact causing some injury, however slight
  •  Any contact without the plaintiff’s consent
  •  Any contact without the plaintiff’s consent


 Any contact without the plaintiff’s consent

105. Which of the following must the plaintiff prove as an element of the tort of battery?
  • That the defendant intended to injure the plaintiff
  •  That the defendant intended to harm or offend the plaintiff
  • That the defendant intended to cause harmful or offensive contact with the plaintiff or realized that it was likely to occur
  • That the defendant intended to cause harmful or offensive contact with the plaintiff or realized that it was likely to occur

106. Which of the following could not constitute battery if done with the requisite intent?
  • Startling the plaintiff so that she falls down stairs
  • Shouting in the plaintiff’s ear
  •  Deliberately blowing smoke in the plaintiff’s face
  •  Deliberately blowing smoke in the plaintiff’s face

107. Andrew throws a baseball towards Barry, with whom he is playing pitch and catch. Andrew’s aim is bad and the ball hits Cassandra, who is walking nearby.
  • Andrew has committed battery against Cassandra because his intention to hit Barry with the ball is transferred to Cassandra
  • Andrew has not committed battery against Cassandra because he did not intend to harm her
  • Andrew has committed battery against Cassandra because he intended to throw the ball, which hit her
  • Andrew has committed battery against Cassandra because he intended to throw the ball, which hit her

108. Aaron is the punter on his high school football team. Biff, one of the players on the opposing team, runs into Aaron as he is punting the ball. Aaron is injured. Biff’s team is penalized 15 yards for roughing the kicker. Which of the following most accurately states the likely outcome if Aaron sues Biff in the tort of battery?
  • Aaron’s action will fail because he must be taken to have consented to physical contact, even rough physical contact, by agreeing to play football
  •  Aaron’s action will succeed because Biff’s contact with him was forbidden by the rules of the game
  • Although Biff’s contact with Aaron was outside the rules of the game, Aaron must be taken to have consented to it because it was within the range of ordinary contact to be expected in a game
  • Although Biff’s contact with Aaron was outside the rules of the game, Aaron must be taken to have consented to it because it was within the range of ordinary contact to be expected in a game

109. Alexander and Alexandra have consensual sex. Alexander knows that he has the sexually transmitted disease genital herpes but he does not tell Alexandra. She later contracts herpes. Which of the following most accurately states the likely outcome if Alexandra sues Alexander in the tort of battery?
  •  Alexandra’s action will fail because she consented to having sex with Alexander
  • Alexandra’s action will succeed because she would not have consented to the contact she had with Alexander if she had known he had herpes
  • Alexandra’s action will succeed because Alexander concealed the fact he had herpes
  • Alexandra’s action will succeed because Alexander concealed the fact he had herpes

110. In order to establish the tort of assault, what type of apprehension must the plaintiff prove that he or she had as a result of the defendant’s conduct?
  •  Well-founded apprehension of imminent contact by the defendant that would amount to battery
  •  Well-founded apprehension of future contact by the defendant that would amount to battery
  • Acute personal apprehension of imminent contact by the defendant that would amount to battery
  • Acute personal apprehension of imminent contact by the defendant that would amount to battery
