The manager of waqf is known as from Legal Aptitude Torts

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions

111.  In most cases, a threat of violence made over the telephone cannot constitute an assault. Which of the following most accurately explains why not?
  •  Because a reasonable person would not feel afraid as a result of hearing such a threat
  •  Because the defendant must be in the same place as the plaintiff for there to be an assault
  • Because the plaintiff would have no reason to suppose that the defendant would follow through with the threat
  • Because the plaintiff would have no reason to suppose that the defendant would follow through with the threat

112. Alexa waves at Bella in friendly fashion and reaches out to pat her on the shoulder. Bella, who has a pathological fear of catching germs from others, recoils violently from the contact. Which of the following is correct?
  • Alexa has assaulted Bella because Bella reasonably feared contact that she (Bella) would find offensive
  • Alexa has not assaulted Bella because the contact that Alexa threatened would not have been regarded as offensive by a reasonable person
  • Alexa has not assaulted Bella because Bella was abnormally apprehensive that Alexa would make contact with her
  • Alexa has not assaulted Bella because Bella was abnormally apprehensive that Alexa would make contact with her

113. Aaron points a gun at Bridget and threatens to shoot her. Aaron knows that the gun is not loaded but Bridget does not. Which of the following most accurately states the likely outcome if Bridget sues Aaron alleging assault?
  • Bridget’s action will succeed because it was reasonable for her to apprehend that Aaron might shoot her
  • Bridget’s action will succeed if she can show that she believed Aaron might shoot her
  • Bridget’s action will fail because there was no real threat
  • Bridget’s action will fail because there was no real threat



The manager of waqf is known as

  • Sajjadanashin

  • Khadim

  • Mutawalli

  • Mutawalli





Principle : Where a person lawfully does anything for another person, or delivers anything to him, not intending to do so or to provide gratuitously, and such other person takes the benifits of that; the latter is bound to compensate the former for somethind done or thing provided, or ot restore, the thing so delivered.

Facts: Trader 'A' delivers certain eatables at 'B's house by mistake. 'B' consmed the eatables without asking anything. Which of the following derivations is correct?

  • 'B' is bound to pay 'A' for the eatables.

  • 'B' can be made liable to pay for the eatables, only if 'A' establish as an express contract between 'A' and ''B'.

  • 'B' is not bound to pay 'A' for the eatables.

  • 'B' is not bound to pay 'A' for the eatables.

