Budding yeast cells that are deficient for Mad2, a component of s

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G protein‐linked receptors are trans‐membrane proteins of

  • single pass

  • Three pass

  • Five

  • Seven pass


Which of the following small G-protein is involved in nuclear transport and targeting?

  • Ras

  • Ran

  • Rab

  • Rho


Which statement is correct in relation of activity of telomerase?

  • Increase with age     

  • Observed in all cancers and responsible for immortality   

  • Responsible for apoptosis but not for ageing       

  • Re-synthesize telomeres    


Which statement is correct for membrane receptors for signal transduction?

  • Contain single or multiple membranes spanning domain   

  • Always coupled with trimeric G protein      

  • Always results in production of secondary messenger  

  • Recognized non-polar signaling molecules


Among the following which is insulin dependent glucose transporter?

  • GLUT1 

  • GLUT2

  • GLUT4

  • GLUT5


Which of the following molecules is involved in Ca2+ dependent cell‐cell adhesion?

  • Cadmodulin

  • Cadherin

  • N-CAM

  • Calpain



Budding yeast cells that are deficient for Mad2, a component of spindle‐attachment check point, are killed by treatment with benomyl, which causes micro‐butules to depolymerize. In the absence of benomyl, however, the cells are perfectly viable. Which explanation out the following is able to justify this observation?

  • In the absence of benomyl, the majority of spindle forms normally and the spindle attachment checkpoint (Mad2) plays no role.

  • In the presence of benomyl the majority of spindle form normally and Mad2 plays critical role in cell survival

  • Other than the role in cell survival, micro‐tubule de‐polymerization affects oxidative phosphorylation in the absence of Mad2

  • Benomyl also affects protein synthesis in the absence of Mad2


In the absence of benomyl, the majority of spindle forms normally and the spindle attachment checkpoint (Mad2) plays no role.

Chromosome segregation depends on the spindle checkpoint, which delays anaphase until all chromosomes have bound microtubules and have been placed under tension.The level of Mad2 and the presence or absence of benomyl, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization . In the absence of benomyl, the rate of chromosome loss was significantly increase.


Toxic shock is caused by

  • Toxins produced by some bacteria

  • Excessive stimulation of a large proportion of T cells by bacterial superantigens.  

  • Abnormal cytokine production by B cells.

  • Excessive production of immunoglobulins.  


Ethylene binding to its receptor, does NOT lead to

  • Dimerization of the receptor.  

  • Phosphorylation of the receptor.  

  • Activation of CTR Raf kinase.  

  • Endocytosis of ethylene-receptor complex. 


Graft rejection does not involve

  • Erythrocytes

  • T cells

  • Macrophages

  • Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
