CO is practically non-polar since from Chemistry Chemical Bondin

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The bond angle in NF3 (102.3°) is smaller than NH4 (107.2°). This is because of

  • large size of F compared to H

  • large size of N compared to F

  • opposite polarity of N in the two molecules

  • small size of H compared to N


The structure of XeF6, is experimentally determined to be distorted octahedron. Its structure according to VSEPR theory is

  • octahedron

  • trigonal bipyramid

  • pentagonal bipyramid

  • tetragonal bipyramid


Addition of excess potassium iodide solution to a solution of mercuric chloride gives the halide complex

  • tetrahedral K2[HgI4]

  • trigonal K [HgI3]

  • linear Hg2I2

  • square planar K2[HgCl2I2]


Tautomerism is exhibited by

  • (Me3CCO)3CH


The increasing order of O - N - O bond angle in the species NO2, NO2+ and NO2- is

  • NO2- < NO2 < NO2+

  • NO< NO2< NO2+

  • NO2< NO2< NO2

  • NO< NO2< NO2-


For BCl3, AlCl3 and GaCl3 the increasing order of ionic character is

  • BCl3 < AlCl3 < GaCl3

  • GaCl< AlCl3 < BCl3

  • BCl3 < GaCl3 < AlCl3

  • AlCl3 < BCl3 < GaCl3


The paramagnetic behaviour of B2 is due to the presence of

  • two unpaired electrons in πb MO

  • two unpaired electrons in π* MO

  • two unpaired electrons in σ* MO

  • two unpaired electrons in σb MO



CO is practically non-polar since

  • the σ-electron drift from C to O is almost nullified by the π-electron drift from O to C

  • the σ-electron drift from O to C is almost nullified by the π-electron drift from C to O

  • the bond moment is low

  • there is a triple bond between C and O


the σ-electron drift from C to O is almost nullified by the π-electron drift from O to C


In CO molecule, C-O σ moment and O-C π-moment cancels each other. So that it is non-polar.


The state of hybridization of the central atom and the number of lone pairs over the central atom in POCl3 are

  • sp,0

  • sp2, 0

  • sp3, 0

  • dsp2, 1


Which one of the following is paramagnetic?

  • N2

  • NO

  • CO

  • O3
