All carbon atoms are sp2-hybridised in from Chemistry Chemical B

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following statements is false?

  • H2  molecule has 1σ bond 

  • Acetylene molecule has 3σ bonds and 3Π bonds

  • HCl molecule has 1σ bond

  • Water molecule has 2σ bonds and two lone pairs


N2 and O2 are converted to monopositive cation N2+ and O2+respectively. Which is incorrect?

  • In N2+, the N-N bond weakened.

  • In O2+, the bond order increases

  • In O2+, paramagnetism decreases

  • N2+  becomes diamagnetic


A netural molecule XF3 has a zero dipole moment. The element X is most likely

  • chlorine

  • boron

  • nitrogen

  • carbon


The stablest radical among the following is

  • C6H5 - CH2C.H2

  • CH3C.H2

  • C6H5 - C.H2-CH3

  • CH3-C.H-CH3



All carbon atoms are sp2-hybridised in

  • 1, 3-butadiene

  • CH2=C=CH2

  • cyclohexane

  • 2-butene


1, 3-butadiene



Among the following species, identify the pair having same bond order CN-, O2-, NO+, CN+

  • CN- and O2-

  • O2- and NO+

  • CN- and NO+

  • CN- and CN+


The shape of XeF4 molecule and hybridisation of xenon in it are

  • tetrahedral and sp3

  • square planar and dsp2

  • square planar and sp3d2

  • octahedral and sp3d2


Match List-I and List-II and choose the correct matching codes.
List - I List - II
A. [Ni(CN)4]2- 1. Ti4+
B. CHlorophyll 2. sp3; paramagentic
C. Ziegler- Natta catalyst 3. non-planar
D. [NiCl4]2- 4. Mg2+
E. Deoxyhaemoglobin

5. Planar

6. dsp2; diamagentic

  • A - 6; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2; E - 3

  • A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 6; E - 3

  • A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 6; E - 5

  • A - 6; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2; E - 5


In which of the following species, all the three types of hybrid carbons are present ?

  • CH2=C=CH2

  • CH3-CH=CH-CH2+

  • CH3-C≡C-CH2+

  • CH3-CH=CH-CH2-


The incorrect statement/s among the following is/are

I. NCl5, does not exist while PCl5, does.

II. Lead prefers to form tetravalent compounds.

III. The three C-O bonds are not equal in the carbonate ion.

IV. Both O+and NO are paramagentic

  • I, III and IV

  • I and IV

  • II and III

  • I and III
