According to MO theory which of the following lists ranks the ni

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In which of the following molecules the central atom does not have sp3 hybridisation?

  • CH4

  • SF4

  • BF4-

  • BF4-



From the following bond energies:

H-H bond energy: 431.37 kJ mol-

C=C  bond energy: 606.10 kJ mol-

C- C bond energy: 336.49 kJ mol-

C-H bond energy: 410.50 kJ mol-

Enthalpy for the reaction,

will be

  • 1523.6 kJ  mol-

  • -243.6 kJ mol-

  • -1200. kJ mol-

  • -1200. kJ mol-




According to MO theory which of the following lists ranks the nitrogen species in terms of increasing bond order?

  • straight N subscript 2 superscript minus space less than space straight N subscript 2 space less than space straight N subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript
  • straight N subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript less than space straight N subscript 2 superscript minus space less than space straight N subscript 2
  • straight N subscript 2 space less than space straight N subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript space less than straight N subscript 2 superscript minus
  • straight N subscript 2 space less than space straight N subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript space less than straight N subscript 2 superscript minus


straight N subscript 2 superscript minus space less than space straight N subscript 2 space less than space straight N subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript

Bond Order = ><br>Where <br>N<sub>b</sub> = number of electrons in bonding MO<br><br>N<sub>a</sub> = number of electrons in antibonding MO<br><br><br><img class=



The state of hybridization of C2, C3, C5 and C6 of the hydrocarbon,

is in the following sequence

  • sp, sp3, sp2 and sp3

  • sp3, sp2, sp2 and sp

  • sp,sp2,sp2 and sp3

  • sp,sp2,sp2 and sp3



In which of the following molecules/ions BF3, NO2-, NH2- and H2O, the central atom is sp2 hybridised?

  • NO2- and NH2-

  • NH2- and H2O

  • NO2- and H2O

  • NO2- and H2O



The angular shape of ozone molecule (O3) consists of 

  • 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds

  • 2 sigma and 2 pi bonds

  • 1 sigma and 1 pi bonds

  • 1 sigma and 1 pi bonds



The correct order of increasing bond angles in the following triatomic species is 

  • NO subscript 2 superscript minus space less than thin space NO subscript 2 superscript plus space thin space less than space NO subscript 2
  • NO subscript 2 superscript minus space less than thin space NO subscript 2 space less than thin space NO subscript 2 superscript plus
  • NO subscript 2 superscript plus space less than thin space NO subscript 2 space less than thin space NO subscript 2 superscript minus
  • NO subscript 2 superscript plus space less than thin space NO subscript 2 space less than thin space NO subscript 2 superscript minus


Four diatomic solutions of the following were prepared in water separately. Which one of the solutions will record the highest pH?

  • straight O subscript 2 superscript minus space less than thin space NO space less than thin space straight C subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript space less than thin space He subscript 2 superscript plus
  • NO less than thin space straight C subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript space less than thin space straight O subscript 2 superscript minus space less than thin space He subscript 2 superscript plus
  • straight C subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript space less than space He subscript 2 superscript plus less than thin space NO thin space less than thin space straight O subscript 2 superscript minus
  • straight C subscript 2 superscript 2 minus end superscript space less than space He subscript 2 superscript plus less than thin space NO thin space less than thin space straight O subscript 2 superscript minus


Bond dissociation enthalpy of H2, Cl2 and HCl and 434, 242 and 431 kJ mol-1 respectively.  Enthalpy of formation of HCl is 

  • 93 kJ mol-1

  • -245 kJ mol-1

  • -39 kJ mol-1

  • -39 kJ mol-1



In the hydrocarbon

straight C with 6 below straight H subscript 3 space minus straight C with 5 below straight H equals straight C with 4 below straight H minus straight C with 3 below straight H subscript 2 minus straight C with 2 below identical to straight C with 1 below straight H

The state of hybridization of carbon 1, 3, and 5 are in the following sequence

  • sp2, sp, sp3

  • sp, sp3, sp2

  • sp, sp2, sp3

  • sp, sp2, sp3

