H-O-H bond angle in H2O is 104.5° and not 109° 28' becaus

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The expression for the solubility product of Ag2CO3 will be

  • Ksp = s2

  • Ksp = 4s3

  • Ksp = 27s4

  • Ksp = s


The correct order towards bond angle is

  • sp3 < sp2 < sp

  • sp < sp2 < sp3

  • sp < sp3 < sp2

  • sp2 < sp3 < sp


Which of the following has a bond formed by overlap of sp-sp3 hybrid orbitals?

  • CH3 - C  C - H

  • CH3 - CH = CH - CH3

  • CH2 = CH - CH = CH2

  • HC CH


Which of the following has the highest bond order?

  • N2

  • O2

  • He2

  • H2


The bond length of HCl bond is 2.29 x 10-10 m. The percentage ionic character of HCl, if measured dipole moment is 6.226 x 10-30 C- m, is

  • 8%

  • 20%

  • 17%

  • 50%


What is the wavelength (in m) of a particle of mass 6.62 x 10-29 g moving with a velocity of 103 ms-1?

  • 6.62 x 10-4

  • 6.62 x 10-3

  • 10-5

  • 105



H-O-H bond angle in H2O is 104.5° and not 109° 28' because of

  • lone pair-lone pair repulsion

  • lone pair-bond pair repulsion

  • bond pair-bond pair repulsion

  • high electronegativity of oxygen


lone pair-lone pair repulsion

The hybridisation of oxygen in water molecule is sp3. So, water molecule must be tetrahedral and have bond angle 109°28'. But because of the presence of two lone pair of electrons on oxygen atom (repulsion between lone pair-lone pair) the bond angle decreases about 104.5° and the geometry becomes distorted tertrahedral or V-shaped.


The total number of orbitals in the fifth energy level is

  • 5

  • 10

  • 18

  • 25


The atomic number of an element 'M' is 26. How many electrons are present in the M-shell of the element in its M3+ state ?

  • 11

  • 15

  • 14

  • 13


In which of the following pairs, both molecules possess dipole moment ?

  • CO2, SO2

  • BCl3, PCl3

  • H2O, SO2

  • CO2, CS2
