The formal potential of Fe3+ /Fe4+ in a sulphuric acid and p

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The two half-cell reactions of an electrochemical cell is given as

Ag+ + e-  Ag;                   E°Ag+/Ag=-0.3995 V        Fe2+ Fe3+ + e- ;     E°Fe3+ /Fe2+= -0.7120 V 

The value of cell EMF will be

  • -0.3125 V

  • 0.3125 V

  • 1.114 V

  • -1.114V


At 25C, the molar conductance of 0.007 M hydrofluoric acid is 150 mho cm2mol-1and its λ°m = 500 mho cm2mol-1. The value of the dissociation constant of the acid at the given concentration at 25°C is

  • 7 X 10-4 M

  • 7 X 10-5 M

  • 9 X 10-3 M

  • 9 X 10-4 M



The formal potential of Fe3+ /Fe4+ in a sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid mixture (E° = + 0.61 V) is much lower than the standard potential (E° = + 0. 77 V). This is due to

  • formation of the species [FeHPO4]+

  • lowering of potential upon complexation

  • formation of the species [FeSO4]+

  • high acidity of the medium


formation of the species [FeHPO4]+


lowering of potential upon complexation


high acidity of the medium

Since, H2SO4 and H3PO4, both are strong acids so their presence makes the medium more acidic. The Fe3+ ions form complex, [FeHPO4]+ with these acid and hence, the concentration of Fe3+ ion reduces which results in lowering in the formal reduction potential.


A conductivity cell has been calibrated with a 0.01 M 1 : 1 electrolyte solution (specific conductance, k = 1.25 × 10-3S cm-1) in the cell and the measured resistance was 800 Ω at 25°C. The cell constant will be

  • 1.02 cm-1

  • 0.102 cm-1

  • 1.00 cm-1

  • 0.5 cm-1


Equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution for sodium-potassium oxalate [(COO-)2 Na+K+] will be [given molar conductivities of oxalate, K+ and Na+ ions at infinite dilution are 148.2, 50.1, 73.5 S cm mol' respectively]

  • 271.8 S cm2 eq-1

  • 67.95 S cm2 eq-1

  • 543.6 S cm2 eq-1

  • 135.9 S cm2 eq-1


The standard reduction potential E° for half-reaction are

Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- ; E° = + 0.76 V

 Fe → Fe2+ + 2e- ; E° = + 0.41 V

The EMF of the cell reaction

Fe2+ + Zn → Zn2+ + Fe is

  • -0.35 V

  • +0.35 V

  • +1.17 V

  • -1.17 V


On passing 'C ampere of current for time 't' sec through 1 L of 2 (M) CuSO4 solution (atomic weight of Cu= 63. 5), the amount 'm' of Cu (in gram) deposited on cathode will be

  • m = Ct / (63.5 x 96500)

  • m = Ct / (31.25 x 96500)

  • m = (C x 96500) / (31.25xt)

  • m = (31.25 X C x t) / 96500


When 96.5 C of electricity is passed through a solution of silver nitrate (at wt. of Ag = 107. 8 7 which is approx. 108), the amount of silver deposted is

  • 5.8 mg

  • 10.8 mg

  • 15.8 mg

  • 20.8 mg


The standard reduction potentials at 298 K for the following half reactions are given against each

                          Zn2+(aq) + 2e-  Zn(s) -0.762 VCr3+(aq) + 2e-  Cr(s) - 0.740 V2H+(aq) + 2e-  H2(s)  0.000 VFe3+(aq) + 2e-  Fe2+(aq) 0.770 V

Which is the strongest reducing agent ?

  • Zn(s)

  • Cr(s)

  • H2(s)

  • Fe2+ (aq)


On passing 3A of electricity for 50 min, 1.8 g metal is deposited, the equivalent mass of metal is

  • 9.3

  • 19.3

  • 38.3

  • 39.9
