The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of a weak acid su

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The hydrogen electrode is dipped in a solution of pH = 3 at 25°C. The potential of the cell would be [use value of 2.303 RTF = 0.59 V]

  • 0.059 V

  • 0.088 V

  • 0.178 V

  • -0.177 V


The equivalent conductivity of a solution containing 2.54 g of CuSO4, per L is 91.0 W-1 cm2eq-1. Its conductivity would be

  • 2.9 × 10-3Ω-1cm-1

  • 1.8 × 10-2 Ω-1 cm-1

  • 2.4 × 10-4 Ω-1cm-1

  • 3.6 × 10-3Ω-1cm-1


MnO4- + 8H- + 5e-  Mn2+ + 4H2O; E° = 1.51VMnO2 + 4H+ + 2e-  Mn2+ + 2H2O; E° = 1.23 V E°MnO4-|MnO2 is

  • 1.70 V

  • 0.91 V

  • 1.37 V

  • 0.548 V


Which of the following expressions correctly represents the equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of Al2(SO4)3 ? Given that ΛAl3+° and ΛSO42-° are the equivalent conductances at infinite dilution of the respective ions?

  • 2ΛAl3+° + 3ΛSO42-°

  • ΛAl3+° + ΛSO42-°

  • (ΛAl3+°+ 3ΛSO42-° )× 6

  • 13ΛAl3+°+ 12ΛSO42-°


The equivalent conductances of two ions at infinite dilution in water at 25°C are given below

          ΛBa2+°= 127.00 Scm2/equiv.ΛCl-° = 76.00 Scm2/ equiv.

The equivalent conductance (in Scm2/equiv) of BaCl2 at infinite dilution will be

  • 203

  • 279

  • 205.5

  • 139.5


The EMF of the cell,

Mg | Mg2+(0.01M) || Sn2+(0.1M)| Sn at 298K is (EMg2+/Mg°= -2.34 V, ESn2+/Sn°= -0.14V)

  • 2.17 V

  • 2.23V

  • 2.51 V

  • 2.45 V



The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of a weak acid such as HF

  • can be determined by extrapolation of measurements on dilute solutions of HCl, HBr and HI

  • can be determined by measurement on very dilute HF solutions

  • can best be determined from measurements on dilute solutions of NaF, NaCl and HCl

  • is an undefined quantity


can best be determined from measurements on dilute solutions of NaF, NaCl and HCl

According to Kohlrausch's law, equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of HF,

ΛHF10 = ΛNaF10  + ΛHCl10-ΛNaCl10           


The number of Faradays needed to reduce 4 g equivalents of Cu2+to Cu metal will be

  • 1

  • 2

  • 1/2

  • 4


Which one of the following cells can convert chemical energy of H2 and O2 directly into electrical energy?

  • Mercury cell

  • Daniell cell

  • Fuel cel

  • Lead storage cell


For the following cell reaction,Ag| Ag+| AgCl| Cl| Cl2, PtGf°(AgCl)= -109 kJ/molGf°(Cl)= -129 kJ/molGf°(Ag+)= 78 kJ/mo/

E° of the cell is

  • - 0.60 V

  • 0.60 V

  • 6.0 V

  • None of these
