The extent of charge of lead accumulator is determined by from C

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Match the following-
List - I List - II
A. Potential of hydrogen electrode at pH = 10 i. 0.76 V
B. Cu2+  | Cu ii. 0.059
C. Zn | Zn2+  iii. -0.591 V
D. 2.303 RTF

iv. 0.037 V

v. -0.76 V

  • A - iii; B - i; C - ii; D - v

  • A - ii; B - v; C - i; D - iv

  • A - iii; B - iv; C - i; D - ii

  • A - v; B - i; C - iv; D - ii


If the values of  of NH4Cl, NaOH and NaCl are 130, 217 and 109 ohm-1 cm2 equiv-1 respectively, the  of NH4OH in ohm-1 cm2 equiv-1 is

  • 238

  • 196

  • 22

  • 456


During the electrolysis of copper sulphate aqueous solution using copper electrode, the reaction taking place at the cathode is

  • Cu → Cu2+ (aq) + 2e-

  • Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- → Cu (s)

  • H+ (aq) + e- → 12 H2 (g)

  • SO42- (aq) → SO3 (g) + 12O2 (g) + 2e-



The extent of charge of lead accumulator is determined by

  • amount of PbSO4 in the battery

  • amount of PbO2 in the battery

  • specific gravity of H2SO4 of the battery

  • amount of Pb in the battery


specific gravity of H2SO4 of the battery

In a fully charged lead accumulator or lead storage battery, sulphuric acid has a specific gravity (i.e., density that varies from 1.260 to 1.285). But during discharge (i.e., when the battery is in use) H2SO4 is used up.

Pb (s) + PbO2 (s) + 4H+ (aq) + 2SO42- (aq) → 2PbSO4 (l) + 2H2O

As a result, the specific gravity of H2SO4 falls when density falls below 1.230, the battery needs recharging.


The emf (in V) of a Daniell cell containing 0.1 M ZnSO4 and 0.01 M CuSO4 solutions at their respective electrodes is

(ECu2+/Cu°= + 0.34 V; EZn2+/ Zn° = -0.76V)

  • 1.10

  • 1.16

  • 1.13

  • 1.07


The role of copper diaphragm in Whytlaw-Gray's method is

  • preventing the corrosion of electrolytic cell

  • preventing the mixing of H2 and F2

  • as anode

  • as cathode


At 298 K the molar conductivities at infinite dilution (Λm°) of NH4Cl, KOH and KCl are 152.8, 272.6 and 149.8 S cm2 mol-1respectively. The Λm° of NH4OH in Scm2 mol-1 and % dissociation of 0.01 M NH4OH with Λm= 25.1 S cm2 mol-1 at the same temperature are

  • 275.6, 0.91

  • 275.6, 91

  • 266.6, 96

  • 30, 84


The products obtained at the cathode and anode respectively during the electrolysis of aqueous K2SOsolution using platinum electrodes are

  • O2, H2

  • H2, O2

  • H2, SO2

  • K2, SO2


Same amount of electricity is passed through aqueous solutions of AgNO3 and CuSO4. The number of Ag and Cu atoms deposited are x and y respectively. The correct  relationship between x and y is

  • x <y 

  • x= 2y

  • x = y

  • y = 2x


In the acidic solution of copper sulphate and alkaline solution of copper cyanide respectively same electric current is flown for a definite time, which of the following statement is correct for this?

  • Amount of copper deposited in both the solution is the same

  • Amount of copper deposited in alkaline copper cyanide solution is less

  • Amount of copper deposited in acidic copper sulphate solution is less

  • None of the above
