The solubihty of AgI in NaI solution is less than that in pure wa

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Which of the following represents the correct pH of a 10-7 M HCl in doubly distilled air-free water?

  • 6.6990

  • 7.0000

  • 7.3010

  • 6.3980



The solubihty of AgI in NaI solution is less than that in pure water because

  • Agl forms complex with Nal

  • of common ion effect

  • solubility product of AgI less

  • the temperature of the solution decreases


of common ion effect

Solubility is decreased due to common ion effect

  Ag Ag+ + I-

 NaI  Na+ + I-

I- is common ion in both the reaction.


Hydrogen ion concentration in mol/L in a solution of pH = 5.4 will be

  • 3.98 × 108

  • 3.88 × 106

  • 3.68 × 10-6

  • 3.98 × 10-6


XY2 dissociated as XY2(g) XY(g) + Y (g) When the initial pressure of XY2 is 600 mm Hg, the total equilibrium pressure is 800 mm Hg. Calculate K for the reaction assuming that the volume of the system remains unchanged.

  • 50

  • 100

  • 166.6

  • 400.0


For the following equilibrium, N2O4 2NO2 in the gaseous phase, NO2 is 50% of the total volume when equilibrium is set up. Hence, per cent of dissociation of N2Ois

  • 50%

  • 25%

  • 66.66%

  • 33.33%


Of the given anions, the strongest Bronsted base is

  • ClO-

  • ClO3-

  • ClO2-

  • ClO4-


At equilibrium, if KP = 1, then

  • G° > 1

  • G° < 1

  • G° = 0

  • G° = 1


Which of the following is most acidic?

  • H2O

  • H2S

  • H2Se

  • H2Te


1 mL of 0.01 N HCl is added to 999 mL solution of 0.1 N Na2SO4. The pH of the resulting solution will

  • 2

  • 7

  • 5

  • 1


The equilibrium constants for the reaction,

Br2  2Br → 1

at 500 K and 700 K are 1 × 10-10 and 1 × 10-5 respectively. The reaction is

  • endothermic

  • exothermic

  • fast

  • slow
