Arrange the carbanions   in order of their decreasing stability

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Sodium ethoxide has reacted with ethanoyl chloride. The compound that is produced in the above reaction is

  • Diethyl ether

  • 2-Butanone

  • Ethyl chloride

  • Ethyl chloride



Consider the following bromides:

The correct order of SN1 reactivity is 

  • A > B > C

  • B > C > A

  • B > A > C

  • B > A > C



The increasing order of the reactivity of the following halides for the SN1 reaction is

  • (III) < (II) < (I) 

  • (II) < (I) < (III)

  • (I) < (III) < (II)

  • (I) < (III) < (II)



3-Methyl-pent-2-ene on reaction with HBr in presence of peroxide forms an addition product.The number of possible stereoisomers for the product is

  • Six

  • Two

  • Zero

  • Zero



The major product obtained in the following reaction is

  • C6H5CH (OtBu) CH2C6H5

  • C6H5CH=CHC6H5

  • (+)C6H5CH(OtBu)CH2H5

  • (+)C6H5CH(OtBu)CH2H5




Arrange the carbanions left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 3 comma space straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 straight C with minus on top straight H subscript 2 space comma thin space straight C with minus on top Cl subscript 3 comma space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 space straight C with minus on top straight H  in order of their decreasing stability 

  • straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 straight C with minus on top straight H subscript 2 space greater than space straight C with minus on top Cl subscript 3 space greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 3 straight C with minus on top space greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 straight C with minus on top straight H
  • thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 straight C with minus on top straight H greater than space straight C with minus on top Cl subscript 3 space greater than straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 straight C with minus on top straight H subscript 2 greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 3 straight C with minus on top space
  • space straight C with minus on top Cl subscript 3 space greater than straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 straight C with minus on top straight H subscript 2 greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 straight C with minus on top straight H greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 3 straight C with minus on top space
  • space straight C with minus on top Cl subscript 3 space greater than straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 straight C with minus on top straight H subscript 2 greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 straight C with minus on top straight H greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 3 straight C with minus on top space


space straight C with minus on top Cl subscript 3 space greater than straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 straight C with minus on top straight H subscript 2 greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 straight C with minus on top straight H greater than thin space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 3 straight C with minus on top space

Due to the –I effect of three chlorine atoms and due to pπ - dπ bonding CCl3 is extra stable.Carbanion follow stability order 



Toluene is nitrated and the resulting product is reduced with tin and hydrochloric acid. The product so obtained is diazotised and then heated with cuprous bromide. The reaction mixture so formed contains

  • mixture of o− and p−bromotoluenes

  • mixture of o− and p−dibromobenzenes

  • mixture of o− and p−bromoanilines

  • mixture of o− and p−bromoanilines



The organic chloro compound, which shows complete stereochemical inversion during a SN2 reaction,is

  • (C2H5)2CHCl 

  •  (CH3)3CCl

  • (CH3)2CHCl

  • (CH3)2CHCl



The treatment of CH3MgX with CH3C≡C−H produces

  • CH3−CH=CH

  • CH3C≡C−CH3



Which of the following reactions will yield 2, 2-dibromopropane?

  • CH3 – C ≡ CH + 2HBr →

  • CH3CH = CHBr + HBr →

  • CH ≡ CH + 2HBr →

  • CH ≡ CH + 2HBr →

