Which of the following does not contain chiral carbon atom? from

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Formation of 2-butene as major product by dehydration of 2-butanol is according to

  • Markownikoff rule

  • Saytzeff rule

  • Peroxide effect

  • Anti-Markownikoff rule


Ethane is formed by the reaction of methyl iodide and sodium metal in dry ether solution. This reaction is known as

  • Clemmensen's reduction

  • Kolbe's reaction

  • Wurtz reaction

  • Cannizaro's reaction



Which of the following does not contain chiral carbon atom?

  • Lactic acid

  • 2-chlorobutanoic acid

  • Tartaric acid

  • Succinic acid


Succinic acid

The carbon, four valencies of which are satisfied by four different groups, is termed as chiral carbon atom. The structures of the given compounds are as

(where, C* = chiral carbon atom)
Hence, succinic acid does not contain any chiral carbon atom.


Base catalysed aldol condensation occurs with

  • benzaldehyde

  • 2-methyl propionaldehyde

  • 2, 2-dimethyl propionaldehyde

  • None of the above


Product C is


The boiling points of three isomeric pentanes 1, 2 and 3 are

(1) 9.5°C
(2) 28°C
(3) 36°C
1, 2 and 3 are respectively

  • n-pentane, iso-pentane, neo-pentane

  • iso-pentane, neo-pentane, n-pentane

  • n-pentane, neo-pentane, iso-pentane

  • neo-pentane, iso-pentane, n-pentane


In the sequence of reaction,

Starting compound A is-

  • RCN

  • RNC

  • RCHO

  • R2CO


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the given codes.
List - I (Reaction) List - II (Reagent/ Catalyst)
A. Cannizaro reaction 1. SnCl2/ HCl
B. Stephen's reaction 2. NaOH
C. Clemmensen reduction 3. Zn/ Hg-conc. HCl
D. Rosenmund's reaction 4. Pd/ BaSO4Boiling xylene

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 2; B - 1; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 1; B - 4; C - 2; D - 3


Haloalkane in the presence of alcoholic KOH undergoes

  • elimination

  • polymerisation

  • dimerisation

  • substitution


Grignard reagent is not prepared in aqueous medium but prepared in ether medium. Because

  • the reagent reacts with water

  • the reagent becomes inactive in water

  • it is insoluble in water

  • the reagent is highly reactive in water
