In Grignard reagent the carbon-magnesium bond is: from Chemistry

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Ethyl benzene cannot be prepared by

  • Wurtz reaction

  • Wurtz-Fittig reaction

  • Friedel-Craft's reaction

  • Clemmensen reduction


Which one of the following is not true for the hydrolysis of t-butyl bromide with aqueous NaOH? 

  • Reaction occurs through the SN1 mechanism

  • The intermediate formed is a carbocation

  • Rate of the reaction doubles when the concentration of alkali is doubled

  • Rate of the reaction doubles when the concentration of t-butyl bromide is doubled 


Following is the substitution reaction in which -CN replaces -Cl.

R-Cl + KCN(alcoholic)  R-CN + KCl

To obtaine propanenitrile, R-Cl should be

  • chloroethane

  • 1-chloropropane

  • chloromethane

  • 2-chloropropane


Which of the following is not true for SN1 reaction?

  • 3°-alkyl halides generally react through SN1 reaction

  • The rate of the reaction does not depend upon the molar concentration of the nucleophile

  • 1°-alkyl halides generally react through SN1 reaction

  • It is favoured by polar solvents


Oil of winter green is

  • a carboxylic acid

  • an alcohol

  • a ketone

  • an ester


Match the reactant in Column I with the reaction in Column II.
Column I Column II
A. Acetic acid i. Stephen
B. Sodium phenate ii. Friedel Crafts
C. Methyl cyanide iii. HVZ
D. Toulene iv. Kolbe's

  • A - iii; B - i; C - iv; D - ii

  • A - iv; B - ii; C - iii; D - i

  • A - ii; B - iii; C - i; D - iv

  • A - iii; B - iv; C - i; D - ii


An incorrect statement with respect to SN1 and SN2 mechanisms for alkyl halide is

  • A strong nucleophile in an aprotic solvent increases the rate or favours SN2 reaction.

  • Competing reaction for an SN2 reaction is rearrangement.

  • SN1 reactions can be catalysed by some Lewis acids.

  • A weak nucleophile and a protic solvent increases the rate or favours SN1 reaction.


The hydrolysis of optically active 2-bromobutane with aqueous NaOH result in the formation of

  • (+) butan -2-ol

  • (-) butan-2-ol

  • (±) butan-1-ol

  • (±) butan-2-ol


Predict the product 'C' in the following series of reactions:

CH3-COOH PCl5 A Anhy. AlCl3C6H6 B CH3MgBr C

  • CH3CH(OH)C6H5

  • CH3CH(OH)C2H5

  • (CH3)2C(OH)C6H5



In Grignard reagent the carbon-magnesium bond is:

  • electrovalent

  • covalent

  • dative

  • hydrogen bonding



In Grignard reagent, R-Mg-X or CH3-Mg-X. The C-Mg bond is covalent.
