250 mL of a sodium carbonate solution contains 2.65 g of Na2CO3.

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A 5 molar solution of H2SO4 is diluted from 1 L to 10 L. What is the normality of the solution ?

  • 0.25 N

  • 1 N

  • 2 N

  • 7 N


The pH of the solution 5 mL of M/5 HCl + 10 mL of M/10 NaOH is

  • 5

  • 3

  • 7

  • 8


If the heat of formation of CO2 is -393 kJ. The amount of heat evolved in the formation of 0.176 kg of CO2 is

  • -1357.9kJ

  • -1275.9kJ

  • -1572.0kJ

  • -1165.5kJ


In a nuclide, one a.m.u. of mass is dissipated into energy to bind its nucleons. The energy equivalent of this mass is

  • 931.5 eV

  • 931.5 × 106 eV

  • 931.5 × 106 MeV

  • 931.5 MV


What is the volume (in litres) of oxygen at STP required for complete combustion of 32 g of CH4?

(Molecular weight of CH4 is 16)

  • 44.8

  • 89.6

  • 22.4

  • 179.2



250 mL of a sodium carbonate solution contains 2.65 g of Na2CO3. If 10 mL of this solution is diluted to one litre, what is the concentration of the resultant solution ?

  • 0.1 M

  • 0.001 M

  • 0.01 M

  • 10-4 M


0.001 M

M = 2.65106 × 1000250 = 0.1 M

M1V1 = M2V2

0.1 × 10 = M2 × 1000

M20.1 × 101000 = 0.001 M


How many litres of oxygen (at STP) are required for complete combustion of 39 g of liquid benzene? (Atomic weights: C = 12, O = 16, H = 1).

  • 84

  • 22.4

  • 42

  • 11.2


X litre of carbon monoxide is present at STP. It is completely oxidized to CO2. The volume of CO2 formed is 11.207 litres. What is the value of X in litres?

  • 22.414

  • 11.207

  • 5.6035

  • 44.828


What is the volume (in litres) of oxygen required at STP to completely convert 1.5 mol of sulphur into sulphur dioxide?

  • 11.2

  • 22.4

  • 33.6

  • 44.8


The concentration of a 100 mL solution containing X g of Na2CO3 (molecular wt. = 106) is Y M. The values of X and Y are respectively.

  • 2.12, 0.05

  • 1.06, 0.2

  • 1.06, 0.1

  • 2.12, 0.1
