The formation of SO3 takes place according to the following react

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following curve is in accordance with Freundlich adsorption isotherm?


Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to physisorption?

  • The forces involved are van der Waals' forces

  • More easily liquefiable gases are adsorbed easily

  • Under high pressure it results into multimolecular layer on adsorbent surface

  • Hadsorption is low and positive


Sulphur sol contains

  • discrete S-atoms

  • discrete S molecules

  • large aggregates of S molecules

  • water dispersed in solid sulphur


Which of the following colloids cannot be easily coagulated?

  • Lyophobic colloids

  • Multimolecular colloids

  • Macromolecular colloids

  • Irreversible colloids


The pressure of real gases is less than that of ideal gas because of

  • increases in the kinetic energy of the molecules

  • increases in the number of collisions

  • intermolecular attraction

  • finite size of particles


An aerosol is a:

  • dispersion of a solid or liquid in a gas

  • dispersion of a solid in a liquid

  • dispersion of a liquid in a liquid

  • solid solution


An aqueous solution of potash alum gives :

  • two types of ions

  • only one type of ion

  • four types of ions

  • three types of ions



The formation of SO3 takes place according to the following reaction :

2SO2 + O2  2SO3H = -45.2 kcal

The formation of SO3 is favoured by:

  • increase in temperature

  • removal of oxygen

  • increase of volume

  • increase of pressure


increase of pressure

According to Le-Chatelier's principle the reactions in which number of moles of reactants are more than number of moles of products, these reactions are favoured at low volume or high pressure.

2SO2 + O2  2SO3H = -45.2 kcal

Since, number of moles are decreasing in forward reaction.

Therefore, the reaction is favoured at low volume or high pressure.


The process which is responsible for the formation of delta at a place where rivers meets the sea is

  • Coagulation

  • Colloid formation

  • peptisation

  • emulsification


A precipitate is changed to colloidal solution by the following process :

  • dialysis

  • ultrfiltation

  • peptization

  • electrophoresis
