Standard enthalpies of formation of O3, CO2, NH3 and HI are

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Standard enthalpies of formation of O3, CO2, NH3 and HI are 142.2, -393.2,- 46.2 and 25.9 kJ mol-1 respectively. Decreasing order of their stability is

  • HI > NH3 > CO2 > O3

  • NH3 > CO2 > HI > O3

  • CO2 > NH3 > HI > O3

  • O3 > HI > NH3 > CO2


CO2 > NH3 > HI > O3

More be the negative value of standard enthalpy of formation, more the species will be stable. Since,

 O2 = +142.2 kJ/mol
CO2 = - 393.2 kJ/mol
NH3 = - 46.2 kJ/mol
HI = +25.9 kJ/mol

Hence, correct order is CO2 > NH3 > HI > O3


First and second ionisation enthalpies of Mg are 737. 76 and 1450.73 J mol-1 respectively. The energy required to convert all the atoms of magnesium to magnesium ions present in 24g of magnesium vapours is

  • 24 kJ

  • 2.188 kJ

  • 12 kJ

  • 4.253 kJ


The standard enthalpy of vapourisation Δvap H° for water at 100°C is 40.66 kJ mol-1. The internal energy of vapourisation of water 100°C (in kJ mol-1) is (assume water vapour to behave like an ideal gas).

  • + 4376

  • +40.66

  • +37.56

  • None of these


Which one of the following statements is true?

  • E ia always greater than H

  • E is always less than H

  • E may be lesser or greater or equal to H

  • E is always proportional to H


The intensive property among these quantities is

  • enthalpy

  • mass/ volume

  • mass

  • volume


If the adsorption of a gas on solid metal surface is spontaneous and exothermic, then

  • H increases

  • S increases

  • G increases

  • S decreases


30g of Mg and 30g of oxygen are reacted and the residual mixture contains

  • 45 g of MgO and 15 g of O2

  • 50 g of MgO and 10 g of O2

  • 60 g of MgO only

  • 40 g of MgO and 20 g of O2


Compounds with high heat of formation are less stable because

  • high temperature is required to synthesise them

  • molecules of such compounds are distorted

  • it is difficult to synthesise them

  • energy rich state leads to instability


Enthalpy of formation of HF and HCl are -161 kJ and -92 kJ respectively. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  • HCl is more stable than HF

  • HF and HCl are exothermic compounds

  • The affinity of fluorine to hydrogen is greaterthan the affinity of chlorine to hydrogen

  • HF is more stable than HCl


The enthalpy of reaction,

H2(g) +12O2(g)  H2O(g) isH1 and that of H2(g) +12O2(g)  H2O(l) isH2.Then

  • ΔH1 < ΔH2

  • ΔH1 + ΔH2 = 0

  • ΔH1 > ΔH2

  • ΔH1 = ΔH2
