0.06 mole of KNO3 solid is added to 100 cm3 of water at 298K

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The enthalpies of formation of Al2O3 and Cr2O3 are -1596 kJ and -1134 kJ respectively. H for the reaction,

2Al + Cr2O3  → 2Cr+ Al2O3 is

  • -2730 kJ

  • -462 kJ

  • -1365 kJ

  • +2730 kJ


A process is taking place at constant temperature and pressure. Then

  • ΔH = ΔE=0

  • ΔH= TΔS

  • ΔH= 0

  • ΔS= 0


The enthalpy of combustion of methane at 25°C is 890 kJ. The heat liberated when 3.2 g of methane burnt in air is

  • 445 kJ

  • 278 kJ

  • -890 kJ

  • 178 kJ


A mixture of two moles of carbon monoxide and one mole of oxygen, in a closed vessel is ignited to convert the carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. If H is the enthalpy change and E is the change in internal energy, then

  • H > E

  • H < E

  • H = E

  • the relationship depends on the capacity of the vessel


For a system in equilibrium, G= 0, under conditions of constant ...............

  • temperature and pressure

  • temperature and volume

  • pressure and volume

  • energy and volume


Molar heat of vaporisation of a liquid is 6 kJ mol-1. If the entropy change is 16 J mol-1 K-1, the boiling point of the liquid is:

  • 375°C

  • 375 K

  • 273 K

  • 102°C



0.06 mole of KNO3 solid is added to 100 cm3 of water at 298K. The enthalpy of KNO3 aqueous solution is 35.8 kJ mol-1. After the solute is dissolved the temperature of the solution will be:

  • 293 K

  • 298 K

  • 301 K

  • 304 K


293 K

Dissolution of KNO3 is endothermic

ΔHsol = 35.8 kJmol-1

∴ Heat absorbed when 0.06mole of KNO3 is dissolved = 35.8 × 0.06 kJ = 2148J

q = m × c × ΔT

2148 = 100x4.184 × ΔT or ΔT = 5K

∴ Temperature of the solution 298293


ΔG° vs T plot in the Ellingham's diagram slopes upwards for the reactions:

  • Mg+ 1/2O2 → MgO

  • 2Ag + 1/2O2 → Ag2O

  • C + 1/2O2 → CO

  • CO + 1/2O2 → CO2


For a reaction to be spontaneous at all temperatures :

  • ΔG and ΔH should be negative

  • ΔG and ΔH should be positive

  • ΔG =ΔS = 0

  • ΔH< ΔG


For a reversible reaction:

X(g) + 3Y (g)  2Z (g) ; H = -40kJ, the standard entropies of X, Y and Z are 60, 40 and 50 JK-1 mol-1 respectively. The temperature at which the above reaction attains equilibrium is about :

  • 400 K

  • 500 K

  • 273 K

  • 373 K
