For a gas RCv= 0.67. This gas is made up of molecules which

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22 g of CO2 at 270 C is mixed with 16 g of O2 at 370C. If both gases are considered as ideal, then temperature of mixture is

  • 30.50C

  • 370C

  • 270C

  • 29.30C


At a given temperature the pressure of an ideal of density p is proportional to

  • ρ2

  • ρ

  • 1ρ2

  • 1ρ


A cylinder contains 10kg of gas at pressure of 107 N/m2. The quantity of gas taken out of the cylinder, if final pressure is 2.5×106 N/m2 will be( temperature of gas is constant)

  • 15.2 kg

  • 3.7 kg

  • zero

  • 7.5 kg


The kinetic energy of one molecule of a gas at normal temperature and pressure will be (k = 8.31 J/mole K)

  • 1.7×103 J

  • 10.2×103 J

  • 3.4×103 J

  • 6.8×103 J


A sphere of diameter 0.2 m and mass 2 kg is rolling on an inclined plane with velocity u = 0.5 mls. The kinetic energy of the sphere is

  • 0.1 J

  • 0.3 J

  • 0.5 J

  • 0.42 J


Pressure of an ideal gas is increased by keeping temperature constant. What is the effect on kinetic energy of molecules?

  • increase

  • Decrease

  • No change

  • Can't be determined


Pressure of an ideal gas is increased by keeping temperature constant. What is effect on kinetic energy of molecules?

  • Increase

  • Decrease

  • No change

  • Cannot be determined



For a gas RCv= 0.67. This gas is made up of molecules which are

  • monoatomic

  • polyatomic

  • mixture of diatomic and polyatomic molecules

  • diatomic



The molecule of a monoatomic gas has three translational degrees of freedom. Thus the average energy of a molecule at temperature T is ( 3/2 ) kBT.


      RCV = 0.67

 So,   Cv = R0.67

              = 1.5 R

              = 32R

This value corresponds to monoatomic


A horizontal tube of length l closed at both ends, contains an ideal gas of molecular weight M. The tube is rotated at a constant angular velocity ω about a vertical axis passing through an end. Assuming the temperature to be uniform and constant. If p1 and p2 denote the pressure at free and the fixed end respectively, then choose the correct relation

  • p2p1 = e2 l22RT

  • p1p2 = eM ωl2RT

  • p1p2 = eω l M3RT

  • p2p1 = eM2 ω2 l23RT


Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on table. Box A contains one mole of nitrogen at temperature T0 , while box B contains 1 mole of helium at temperature 7/3 T0. The boxes are then put into thermal contact with each other and heat flows between them until the gases reach a common final temperature (ignore the heat capacity of boxes) then the final temperature of gases, Tf in terms of T0 is

  • 2T05

  • 3 T05

  • 5 T03

  • 9 T07
