Which is true for rolling frictrion 

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A long block A of mass M is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface.  A small block B of mass M/2 is placed on A at one end and projected along A with same velocity v. The coefficient of friction between the block is μ. Then the acceleration of blocks A and B before reaching a common velocity will be respectively

  • μg2 (towards right), μg2 (towards left)

  • μg (towards right), μg (towards left)

  • ug2 (towards right), μg (towards left)

  • μg (towards right), μg2 (towards left)


A car of mass 1000 kg moves on a circular track of radius 20 m. If the coefficient of friction of 0.64. The maximum velocity with which the car can be moved is

  • 11.2m/s

  • 112m/s

  • 0.64×201000×100m/s

  • 100064×20m/s


The angle through which a cyclist bends when he covers a circular path of 34.3 m circumference in 22 sec is (g=9.8 m/s)

  • 150

  • 300

  • 600

  • 450


A body of mass 0.1 kg attains a velocity of 10 ms' in 0.1 sec. The force acting on the body is

  • 10N

  • 0.01N

  • 0.1N

  • 100N


A body is moving in a circular path with acceleration 'a'. If its velocity gets doubled, find the ratio of acceleration after and before the change 

  • 1:4

  • 14:1

  • 2:1

  • 4:1


A particle of mass m moving with velocity v collides with a stationary particle of mass 2m. The speed of the system, will be

  • 3v

  • v2

  • v3

  • 2v


A cone filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle of radius 4 m and the water does not fall down. What must be the maximum period of revolution?

  • 2 s

  • 4 s

  • 1 s

  • 6 s



Which is true for rolling frictrion   μr , static friction μs  and  kinetic friction  μk :

  • μs > μk >  μr

  • μs <  μk <  μr

  • μs <  μk >  μr

  • μs > μr  > μk


μs > μk >  μr

Static friction is a force that keeps an object at rest. It must be overcome to start moving the object. When external force exceeds the maximum limit of static friction body begins to move.
Once the body is in motion it is subjected to sliding or kinetic friction which opposes relative motion between the two surfaces in contact. At every instant, there is just one point of contact
between the body and the plane and this point has no motion relative to the plane. In this ideal situation, kinetic or static friction is zero and the body should continue to roll with constant velocity. 
In practice, this will not happen and some resistance to motion (rolling friction) does occur, i.e. to keep the body rolling. Static friction is always greater than kinetic friction and rolling friction is less than kinetic friction.
                        μs >  μk > μr


Two weights w1 and w2 are suspended to the two strings on a frictionless pulley. When the pulley is pulled up with an acceleration g, then the tension in the string is :


A bomb of mass 30 kg at rest explodes into two pieces of masses 18 kg and 12 kg. The velocity of 18 kg mass is 6 ms'.The kinetic energy of the other mass is

  • 256 J

  • 486 J

  • 524 J

  • 324 J
