Two bars A and B of circular cross-section and same volume made o

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Sodium has body centred packing.Distance between two nearest atoms is 3.7 A. The lattice parameter is

  • 6.8 A

  • 4.3 A

  • 3.0 A

  • 3.0 A



For a cubic structure which one of the following relations indicating the cell characteristic is correct?

  • straight a not equal to straight b not equal to straight c space and space space straight alpha space not equal to straight beta space and space straight gamma space space 90 to the power of straight o
  • straight a not equal to straight b not equal to straight c space and space space straight alpha space equals space straight beta space equals straight gamma space equals space 90 to the power of straight o
  • straight a equals straight b equals straight c space and space space straight alpha space not equal to straight beta space not equal to straight gamma space not equal to space 90 to the power of straight o
  • straight a equals straight b equals straight c space and space space straight alpha space not equal to straight beta space not equal to straight gamma space not equal to space 90 to the power of straight o


The bulk modulus of a spherical object is ‘B’. If it is subjected to uniform pressure ‘p’, the fractional decrease in radius is

  • p/B

  • B/2p

  • 3p/B

  • 3p/B



A rope is wound around a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N?

  • 25 m/s2

  • 0.25 rad/s2

  • 25 rad/s2

  • 25 rad/s2



Two wires are made of the same material and have the same volume. The first wire has cross-sectional area A and the second wire has cross-sectional area 3A. If the length of the first wire is increased by Δl on applying a force F, how much force is needed to stretch the second wire by the same amount?

  • 9F

  • 6F

  • F

  • 4F


The fundamental frequency in an open organ pipe is equal to the third harmonic of a closed organ pipe. If the length of the closed organ pipe is 20 cm, the length of the open organ pipe is

  • 13.2 cm

  • 8 cm

  • 16 cm

  • 12.5 cm


A ball falling in a lake depth 200 m shows a decrease of 0.1 % in its volume at the bottom then the bulk modulus of the material of the ball is

  • 19.6×108 N/m2

  • 19.2×107N/m2

  • 24×109 N/m2

  • 24×105 N/m2


A fixed volume of iron is drawn into a wire of length l. The extension x produced in this wire by a constant force F is proportional to

  • l

  • 1l

  • l2

  • 1l2



Two bars A and B of circular cross-section and same volume made of same material are subjected under same tension. If the diameter of A is half that of B. The ratio of extension of A to B will be

  • 16

  • 2

  • 14

  • 4



Y=stressstrain=FAlll=FAY lBut V =πr2lso    L=Vπr2=FVπr22Y1r4lAIB=rBrB4=rBrB24=16


The dimensional formula for Young's modulus is

  • M L-1 T-2

  • Mo L T-2

  • M L T-2

  • M L2T-2
