A projectile is thrown in the upward direction making an ang

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The x and y coordinates of a particle moving in a plane are given be x(t) = acos(pt) and y(t) = bsin(pt) where a, b (<a) and p are positive constants of appropriate dimensions and t is time. Then , which of the following is not true?

  • The path of the particle is an ellipse

  • Velocity and acceleration of the particle are perpendicular to each other at t = π/2p

  • Acceleration of the particle is always directed towards a fixed point

  • Distance travelled by the particle in the time interval between t = 0 and t = π/2p is a


A stick of length L and mass M lies on a frictionless horizontal surface on which it is free to move in any way. A ball of mass m moving with speed V collides elastically with the stick as shown in fig below. If after the collision, the ball comes to rest, then what should be the mass of the ball?



  • m = 2M

  • m = M

  • m= M/2

  • m = M/A


A man is at height of 100 m. he sees a car which makes an angle of π6 with man's position. If the car moves to a point where angle is π3 what is the distance moved by it? 

  • 1003m

  • 2003m

  • 2003m

  • 1503m


The angular velocity of second hand clock, of a clock is

  • π6rad s-1

  • π60rad s-1

  • π30rad s-1

  • π15rad s-1


The maximum range of a gun on horizontal terrain is 16 km if g=10m/s2. What must be the muzzle velocity of the shell?

  • 200 m/s

  • 100 m/s

  • 400 m/s

  • 300 m/s


If a vector  2 i^ + 3 j^ + 8 k^  is perpendicular to the vector 4 j^ - 4 i^ + α k^, then the value of α is

  • -1

  • 12

  • -12

  • 1


A particle starting from the origin (0, 0) moves in a straight line in the (x, y) plane. Its coordinates at a later time are 3, 3. The path of the particle makes with the x-axis an angle of

  • 30o

  • 45o

  • 60o

  • 0o


A wheel has angular acceleration of 3.0 rad/s2 and an initial angular speed of 2.00 rad/s. In a time of 2 s it has rotated through an angle (in radian) of

  • 6

  • 10

  • 12

  • 4


Under the influence of a uniform magnetic field a charged particle is moving in a circle of radius  R with constant speed v. The time period of the motion

  • depends on v and not on R

  • depends on both R and v

  • is independent of both R and v

  • depends on R and not on v



A projectile is thrown in the upward direction making an angle of 60° with the horizontal direction with a velocity of 147 ms-1 Then the time after which its inclination with the horizontal is 45°, is

  • 15 s

  • 10.98 s

  • 5.49 s

  • 2.745 s


5.49 s

At the two points of the trajectory during projection, the horizontal component of the velocity is the same. 

The horizontal component of velocity at angle 60o  =  Horizontal component of velocity at 45o

  ⇒           u cos 60o = v sin 45o

                147 × 12 = ν × 12           v   = 1472 m/s 

Vertical component of u = u sin 60o

                             = 147 32 m

Vertical component of v = v sin 45o

                         147 2 × 12 = 1472m

but             vy = uyα t

                  1472 = 14732 - 9.8 t                  9.8t  = 1472 3 - 1

                    t = 5.49 s
