Important Questions of Oscillations Physics | Zigya

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The displacement of a particle is SHM varies according to the relation x = 4 (cos πt + sin πt). The amplitude of the particle is 

  • − 4

  • 4

  • 42

  • 8


What is the phase difference between two simple harmonic motions represented by x1 = A sin ωt + π6 and x2 = A cos (ωt) ?

  • π6

  • π3

  • π2

  • 2π3


When a spring is stretched by 10 cm, the potential energy stored is E. When the spring is stretched by 10 cm more, the potential energy stored in the spring becomes

  • 2 E

  • 4 E

  • 6 E

  • 10 E


When a particle executing SHM oscillates with a frequency v, then the kinetic energy of the particle

  • changes periodically with a frequency of v

  • changes periodically with a frequency of 2v

  • changes periodically with a frequency of v/2

  • remains constant


The displacement of a particle in a periodic motion is given by y = 4 cos2 t2 sin 1000 t. This displacement may be considered as the result of superposition of n independent harmonic oscillations. Here n is

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


A simple pendulum of length L swings in a vertical plane. The tension of the string when it makes an angle θ with the vertical and the bob of mass in moves with a speed v is (g is the gravitational acceleration)

  • mv2/L

  • mg cos θ + mv2 / L

  • mg cos θ − mv2 / L

  • mg cos θ


The displacement x of a particle varies with time t as, x = ae-αt +b e βt where a, b α and β are positive constants. The velocity of the particle will

  • go on decreasing with time

  • be independent of α and β

  • drop to zero when α = β

  • go on increasing with time
