The simple harmonic motion of a particle is given by x = a sin 2&

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The total energy of particle, executing simple harmonic motion is

  • ∝ x

  • ∝ x2

  • independent of x

  • independent of x



A particle of mass m is attached to a spring (of spring constant k) and has a natural angular frequency ω0. An external force F(t) proportional to cosωt (ω≠ω0) is applied to the oscillator. The time displacement of the oscillator will be proportional to

  • fraction numerator straight m over denominator straight omega subscript 0 superscript 2 minus straight omega squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator straight m left parenthesis straight omega subscript 0 superscript 2 minus straight omega squared right parenthesis end fraction
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator straight m left parenthesis straight omega subscript 0 superscript 2 plus straight omega squared right parenthesis end fraction
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator straight m left parenthesis straight omega subscript 0 superscript 2 plus straight omega squared right parenthesis end fraction


In forced oscillation of a particle the amplitude is maximum for a frequency ω1 of the force, while the energy is maximum for a frequency ω2 of the force, then

  • ω1 = ω2

  • ω1 > ω2

  • ω1 < ω2 when damping is small and ω1 > ω2 when damping is large

  • ω1 < ω2 when damping is small and ω1 > ω2 when damping is large



A massless spring of length l and spring constant k is placed vertically on a table. A ball of mass m is just kept on top of the spring. The maximum velocity of the ball is

  • gmk

  • g2mk

  • 2gmk

  • g2 mk


A particle of mass 3 kg, attached to a spring with force constant 48 N/m execute simple harmonic motion on a frictionless horizontal surface. The time period of oscillation of the particle, in seconds, is

  • π/4

  • π/2

  • 2π

  • 8π


The position and velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion at t = 0 are given by 3 cm/s and 8 cm/s respectively. If the angular frequency of the particle is 2 rad/s, then the amplitude of oscillation, in centimeters, is

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6


A simple harmonic motion is represented by x(t) = sin2 ωt − 2 cos2 ωt. The angular frequency of oscillation is given by

  • ω

  • ω/2


Two equal masses hung from two massless springs of spring constants k1 and k2. They have equal maximum velocity when executing simple harmonic motion. The ratio of their amplitudes is

  • k1k21/2

  • k1k2

  • k2k1

  • k2k11/2



The simple harmonic motion of a particle is given by x = a sin 2πt. Then, the location of the particle from its mean position at a time 1/8th of a second is

  • a

  • a2

  • a2

  • a4



Given,  x = a sin 2πt            x = a sin 2π × 18            x = a sin π4            x = a2


The time-period of a simple pendulum of length 5 m suspended in a car moving with uniform acceleration of 5ms-2 in a horizontal straight road is (g = 10 ms-2)

  • 2π5 s

  • π5 s

  • 5π s

  • 4π s
