Sphere, disc and ring are allowed to roll down on an inclined pla

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In the rotational motion, different particles of the body have :

  • both linear and angular velocities equal

  • linear velocities equal but different angular velocities

  • angular velocities equal but different linear velocities

  • both linear and angular velocity different


The moment of inertia of a ring about one of its diameter is I. What will be its moment of inertia about a tangent parallel to the diameter?

  • 43 I

  • 2 I

  • 32 I

  • 3 I


A disc, initially at rest, starts rotating about its own axis, with a constant angular acceleration of 0.2 rad/s2. The time taken by the disc to rotate by 10 rad is (in second)

  • 7.07

  • 10

  • 14.14

  • 100


A disc of a siren containing 60 holes rotates at a constant speed of 360 rpm. The emitted sound is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency

  • 10 Hz

  • 360 Hz

  • 216 Hz

  • 60 Hz


A circular disc X of radius R is made from an iron plate of thickness t, and another disc Y of radius 4R is made from an iron plate of thickness t/4. Then the relation between the moments of inertia IX and IY is

  • IY = 321X

  • IY = 161X

  • IY = IX

  • IY = 641X


The moments of inertia of two freely rotating bodies A and B are IA and IB respectively IA > IB and their angular momenta are equal. If KA and KB are their kinetic energies then

  • KA = KB

  • KA > KB

  • KA < KB

  • KA = 2 KB


If the earth is treated as a sphere of radius R and mass M, its angular momentum about the axis of rotation with time period T is

  • πMR2T

  • MR2T2π

  • 2πMR2T

  • 4πMR25T


Angular velocity of second hand of a clock is

  • π30 rad/s

  • π60 rad/s

  • π15 rad/s

  • π2 rad/s



Sphere, disc and ring are allowed to roll down on an inclined plane from its top, then order in which they reach at the bottom will be

  • ring, disc, sphere

  • sphere, disc, ring

  • disc, ring, sphere

  • sphere, ring, disc


sphere, disc, ring

Increasing order of moment ofinertia sphere, disc and ring Is < Id < Ir.

Moment of inertia of sphere is minimum

∴  It will reach the bottom first. (because due to its least moment of inertia, it oppose the rotational motion minimum)


If we made half the radius of earth, then duration of day will become

  • 6 h

  • 12 h

  • 24 h

  • 3 h
