The haemoglobin of human foetus
has a lower affinity for oxygen than that of the adult
its affinity for oxygen is the same as that of an adult
has only 2 protein subunits instead of 4
has only 2 protein subunits instead of 4
The most active phagocytic white blood cells.
neutrophils ane eosinophils
lymphocytes and macrophages
eosinophils and lymphocytes
eosinophils and lymphocytes
During the propagation of a nerve impulse, the action potential results from the movement of
K+ ions form extracellular fluid of intracellular fluid
Na+ ions from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid
K+ ions from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid
K+ ions from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid
In humans, blood passes f from the post caval to the diastolic right atrium of heart due to
Pushing open of the venous valves
suction pull
Stimulation of the sino-auricular node
Stimulation of the sino-auricular node
Consider the following statements about biomedical technologies
A) During open heart, surgery blood is circulated in the heart -lung machine.
B) Blockage in coronary arteries has removed an angiography.
C) Computerised Axial Tomography (CAT) shows detailed internal structure as seen in a section of the body.
D) X -ray provides clear and detailed images of organs like prostate glands and lungs.
Which two of the above statements are correct?
B and D
C and D
A and C
A and C
A and C
It is almost impossible to repair intracardiac defects surgically while the heart is still pumping. Therefore, many types of artificial lung machines have been developed to take the place of heart and lungs during the course of operation. Angiography is a radiographic visualisation of blood vessels of a region/organ after injecting a radio-opaque /contrast agent computerised axial tomography (CAT) shows detailed internal structures as seen in a section of the body (eg, iodine) or fluoroscopic chemical.
Digital subtraction angiography is an imaging technique that produces clear views of flowing blood in vessels and indicates the presence of a blockage.
X - rays have a remarkable ability to penetrate materials, which do not transmit visible light. X-rays imaging is commonly employed for diagnosing disease of heart, lungs and bones.
Which one of the follwing mammalian cells is not capable of metabolising glucose to carbon-dioxide aerobically?
White blood cells
Unstriated muscle cells
Liver cells
Liver cells
A drop of each of the following, is placed separately on four slides. Which of them will not coagulate?
Blood plasma
Blood serum
Sample from the thoracic duct or lymphatic system
Sample from the thoracic duct or lymphatic system
Antibodies in our body are complex
Which one of the following has an open circulatory system?